Care less

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"Watson!" Came a demanding scream from downstairs.
Oh my god every damn morning. Sitting up I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. The sun streams through the gaps in the curtains just as it does every morning, it's bright suggesting it's only just risen meaning due to the current time of year it must be around 5:12. Once you drift into sherlocks orbit it's near on impossible to undermine anything. Swinging my legs off the bed I grab my phone and head downstairs. Switching it on I notice the time 5:15.
"Damn it."

Sherlocks back is turned when I walk in the living room. His shoulders look tense and he remains with his back to me.

"You called."

Suddenly he spins around and smiles with ease.

"Indeed Watson. We're traveling to Rome in two hours, thought you might want to pack."

Sherlocks grin remains as he walks around the room throwing various items in his suitcase which I now notice was what he was leaning over.

"What? Why? Is there a case?"

At this his grin grows and annoyance floats through me. Why can't Sherlock be normal, why the riddles. I suppose anything else would be boring but right now this is exceptionally irritating.

"My dear Watson," my stomach back flips and I cross my arms," no we do not have a case, your brother is getting married."

"Um yeah, I two months."

My brothers wedding has been looming over me for weeks, should I go shouldn't I. On one hand I don't want to leave in the middle of a case which would most likely be the situation, yet on the other he's my brother. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Sherlock chucking his 1969 vase in his suitcase.

"Indeed yet he called a few hours ago saying he had to move it to Friday."

He says simply yet my eyes go wide.

"What! That's two days away!" I practically scream and hear an almost giggle from Sherlock. A sound I never thought I'd hear.

"Exactly. Hence why we are leaving now." Sherlock states whilst packing, yet all I can think about is 'we'.

"You want to come?" I whisper yet he stops packing I know he heard every word.
"I.. Wish to support you as you have me. May I remind you Watson, we are tight for time. Oh and don't worry, I was formally invited by your brother as your plus one." Sherlocks eyes never met mine yet I can't help but smile.
"Guess I'll go pack."
Turning quickly I run back up the stairs, down the corridor and into my room. I fling open the wardrobe and look at my evening dresses. I had intended to buy a new dress for the wedding but due to the circumstances that's not going to work.
Clumsily I chuck a few outfits onto the bed, including my favourite red cardigan. Moving aside some clothes I grab my black suitcase from the back and fling it next to the clothes. Folding the clothes slowly I put them in the case. What should I wear? I have a black and white ball gown? No that's way too overdressed. Red lace? No Joan, you're going to a wedding not the club. I've got it! Emily gave me a mint green silk dress last year that I've never worn. It's tight fitted yet still loose and comfortable. Perfect. I wonder what Sherlock will wear? Probably a suit idiot, he looks great in suits.
I promptly banish thoughts of Sherlock in a suit and continue packing, shoving earrings and necklaces into a side pocket of the case. Grabbing a skirt and top I quickly change and brush my hair.
Footsteps echo as Sherlock comes running up the stairs and stands slightly out of breath at the door. He's holding two ties. A blue one and a mint green one.
"What do you think Watson?"
Grinning at him I point at the green one.
"Mint green, definitely."
He looks questionably at me but nods and begins running down the stairs.
"Ten minutes!" He shouts over his shoulder.
"Remember to feed the bees!" I shout as I attempt to shut my bulging suitcase.
"Mrs Hudson is coming round tomorrow don't worry! Need help with the case?"
How Sherlock always knows is beyond me but I don't even have to reply as he comes bounding up the stairs anyway.
"Goodness Watson, do you need all of this?" He says whilst eyeing the case. I just roll my eyes at him." Right then, if you'll do the honours." Sherlock gestures to the case and offers me his hand. Rolling my eyes I take it and climb onto the case. Sherlock tugs at it and zips it round.
"Thanks!" I make to jump of the case but Sherlock grabs my waist and lifts me down. It's simple contact yet it sends my heart into overdrive. Hesitating, I slowly look up into his eyes and find myself lost in them. The clear blue amongst the grey flecks is truly unique, just like him. His arms remain around me and mine on his chest, I don't move and neither does he. Suddenly the doorbell rings and Sherlock springs into action.
"The cab! Ready Watson?" He doesn't wait for an answer and he effortlessly grabs my case and heads out of my room. We've never had a moment like that before. Sure our hands often brush and arms nock together. I guess there's the occasional time he will touch the small of my back as we walk or I'll grab his arm and we will walk together. Is that bad?
"Watson!" Comes sherlocks voice from the bottom of the stairs and I'm snapped out of my thoughts.
"Coming!" I shout whilst grabbing my purse and heading towards the stairs. Sherlock is standing at the bottom holding my coat. My heart flutters slightly as I quickly walk downstairs and into my beige coat, which separates his arms from mine. Then we walk together towards the cab and I can't help but wonder what Rome will hold.

I really hope you enjoy this joanlock fanfic 😘 i would love to know what you think!!

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