Secret nights

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Just as we head into the elevator and the doors close I turn to Sherlock to tell him we could of stayed but within a second his lips are gently on mine. Sherlock pulls away and grins.
"I didn't peg you for a kiss-in-the-elevator kinda guy." I say with smirk that makes Sherlock chuckle as we hit the ground floor and walk out and into my car.
"Only with you my dear Watson." Sherlock says whilst taking my hand across the car and kissing it.
Driving one handed the whole way back was hard, especially with Sherlocks distracting kisses but we make it to the brownstone without a scratch.
"That was exceptionally dangerous." I say as we get out the car. Sherlock rocks on his heels for a second before walking up the steps to the brownstone and I follow whilst rolling my eyes. The cold air chills my skin as we stand at the door of the brownstone and Sherlock unlocks the door and we are instantly engulfed in warmth.
All of my senses give way as Sherlocks arms slide around my waist from behind and I turn in his arms, smiling widely, to meet his eyes.
"Noodles?" I say with a smirk and Sherlock laughs.
"Sustenance is so inconvenient." Sherlock says lightly and I laugh and kiss his cheek before pulling away. "In that case it's my choice what we watch."   Sherlock says and before I can protest he's bounding up the stairs to the tv room.
I methodically take the noodles from the draw and empty them into a pan and begin heating them up. I still can't believe how much has changed in such a little time. To be honest I knew Sherlock and I would be together forever I just didn't think it would be like this. I mean I knew we'd always work together and we do that by living together so the thought of being apart never really crossed my mind. I never thought I'd long for his lips on mine or we'd kiss in an elevator, a few weeks ago that just wasn't us and yet here we are.
Vaguely aware the noodles are done I put them in two bowls and make some tea and put everything on a tray before making my way upstairs. Sherlock is sat with his back to me on his chair and I walk up and dump the tray then grab my noodles and sit down.
All of a sudden the planet earth theme tune comes on and I laugh happily.
"Good choice." I say with a nod that Sherlock returns.
As the program plays I find myself instantly engrossed and suddenly there's reptiles running from snakes for their lives.
"Run run!" I say to the reptile but it isn't fast enough.
"It didn't have much of a chance." Sherlock says dryly and I roll my eyes and all too soon the program is over.
"I'm going to shower." I mutter sleepily and Sherlock flicks his hand and nods his head.
I clumsily find my way to the shower and without thinking about anything I'm doing proceed. The main thing that's taking up my mind is what are Sherlock and I going to do tonight. I mean I suppose we're together in a romantic way- it feels so crazy to even think that- but does that mean we'll start sleeping together? Of course Sherlock doesn't sleep much, in fact he's slept more on the trip than the last few months combined. All I know is I loved being with him in that way, just together. We've always been partners in everything but now I suppose we will learn a whole different side to the term 'partner', so different from the version we've both become so familiar with. Hopefully the basement will be a place for that side of our partnership.
So far Sherlocks been rather normal regarding the transition of our relationship. It wouldn't have been unlike him to leave abruptly or act as though the wedding never happened and yet he hasn't. Yet.
I hate myself for doubting him and I know that truly I don't, not really.
After letting my wet hair down to dry I sleepily make my way to my bedroom and happily fall into the comfort of my duvet. I feel myself sigh happily as I wrap myself in familiar blankets and slowly close my eyes, the saying home sweet home echoing across my mind.
Just as I give in to the sweet pull of sleep the loud bang of the door echoes the room. I don't even jump, I know who it is.
"Watson I've made a break through on a cold case. Get up this is no time for sleep!"
The thing most crustal thing to have when living with Sherlock Holmes is patience. I repeat this over and over before sighing and opening my eyes.
"Hun just come to bed." I can see I've thrown him. Sherlock looks momentarily perplexed until he smiles slightly then shakes his head.
"No time Watson, no time." Sherlock says lightly with hand motions.
"Okay fine how about a compromise?" I say with a yawn and Sherlock raises an eyebrow.
"What do you suggest?"
"You tell me about the case from the comfort of my humble bedchamber. What do you think?" Sherlock looks skeptical so I roll my eyes and sigh. "If it's a significant enough lead I'll get up."
This makes Sherlock eyes light up and he bounds closer and sits on the edge of the bed. Perhaps it's my lack of sleep or perhaps not but I feel no fear as I sit up and pull Sherlocks arm towards me and pull him under the covers with me. Instinctively our arms are around each other and my head is on his chest.
"Okay, you can tell me now." I whisper and Sherlocks arms hold me tighter.
"Actually I don't know if it was a break through as such. Let's discuss it tomorrow."

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