Waking up with you

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Once again I wake in the arms of Sherlock Holmes. It's pitch black around us so I assume it's late and I move closer to Sherlock. As my head is on his chest I notice that he's asleep and smile to myself. It's rare for me to see him like this. Suddenly there's footsteps outside the door and I hear something slide under it then the footsteps echo away. Unable to contain my curiosity I gently pull myself out of Sherlocks arms and head towards the dim light under the door and pick up an envelope. Using the light from under the door I quietly open the envelope and pull out its contents and smile as I read the letter.
Dear Joanie,
Thank you for everything you've done over the last couple of days. My wedding was perfect because of you.
Lots of love,
Oren x
Ps: photos to come.

I smile and roll my eyes as I put the note back in the envelope.
"Watson." Comes a tired moan from Sherlock as I turn I notice him stretching out looking for me.
"I'm here, go back to sleep." I whisper and climb over him and into his arms. Sherlock pulls me tightly to him and I smirk lightly at his drowsy state. I turn my head and kiss his chest and feel him smile against my head. I drift easily back to sleep, feeling happier than I've ever felt.
Even in sleep I feel the loss of his arms and murmur incoherently.
"Shower, I'll be right back." Sherlock whispers before completely detangling himself from me.
I feel myself nod but am unable to open my eyes. I pull the blanket around myself and sigh in contentment knowing I won't go back to sleep and instead enjoy the luxury of not having to get up. I reach across the bed and feel one of Sherlocks shirts and pull it towards me. It smells wonderfully of him. I put it under my head then relax into an almost sleep like state.
I half notice Sherlock come back in, especially when I hear him chuckle lightly as he lies back in the bed. We lie on our sides of the bed. Suddenly my mind jumps to the kiss we shared yesterday and open my eyes for the first time today. It appears to be sunrise, beautiful pinks and blues explode across the sky and before long I find my legs taking me to the balcony, moving me even closer to the sunset.
As I watch the sunrise all I can think about is the kiss. We kissed. I can't deny it and I don't want to. I try to conseil my worry as I turn back to Sherlock and notice him wearing a similar look on his face. Slowly I make my way to the bed and sit crossed legged on it beside Sherlock. Neither of us say anything. Maybe he regrets the kiss? Maybe I misread sherlocks look? Perhaps he was looking at me painfully reliving the mistake he's made. No Joan stop, your stronger than this. Maybe Sherlock is feeling exactly the same. Suddenly I feel the need to tell him that I want this.
"I don't regret anything." I say with such certainty. "Not a thing."
I feel sherlocks eyes on me but can't bear to turn and look. Instead I feel him shuffle over and encircle his arms around me.
"Neither do I my dear Watson." He whispers and I smile in relief. I could cry with happiness but instead I move my head up and place a light kiss on his lips. It feels so natural and right and even better when he pulls me closer and into a passionate kiss.
As we pull back I laugh against Sherlocks cheek in absolute pure happiness.
"Do you want this Sherlock? Us. The way we live and the work we do means everything to both of us, how can we balance that?" I feel my heart beat faster and faster and Sherlock holds me tighter.
"In answer to your first question dear Watson, yes, I want this. You. And to your second, I don't know. But I do know I want to try."
I smile at Sherlocks honesty and slip my arms beneath his arms and around his waist.
"I want to try too." I say and feel him smile and kiss my head.
We stay in the same position for a long time just watching the sun rise.
"So, what do you want to do today?" Sherlock says and I find myself suddenly excited about the day ahead.
"I'm pretty sure it's illegal to be in Rome and not go to the colosseum and eat pizza. Oh and if we leave soon we can escape before my family wake up!" I say excitedly.
"Haven't you been to the colosseum?" Sherlock says whilst releasing me and looking at me in shock.
"Didn't I tell you I've never been to Italy?" I say casually and Sherlocks eyes widen and he jumps out of bed.
"Then we've no time to lose!" Sherlock says whilst rummaging in his case. "There's much more than the colosseum you have to see Watson." He says whilst pulling on a tee-shirt as I climb out of the bed.
"We only have a day Sherlock, I don't know how much can be seen." I say smiling and pulling out some clothes and heading to the bathroom.
"All the more reason to get going now." Sherlock says whilst slinging a bag over his shoulder.
"Okay, five minutes." I mumble and head into the bathroom. I get dressed as quickly as possible and when I go out Sherlock is already ready.
"Let's go Watson, the city awaits."

After a series of buses we are standing in front of the colosseum. It's absolutely magnificent seeing it close up, pictures don't do it justice. I can feel the history around it.
"It's beautiful." I mumble whilst staring in awe.
"Quite unlike what went on inside it I assure you." Sherlock says and I roll my eyes.
"Yeah I've seen gladiator."
At that Sherlock sighs.
"Oh my dear Watson, what Russell Crowe didn't teach you." Sherlock smirks and I take his arm and begin walking closer.
"Look at all the ways in." I say as we walk inside the colosseum.
"Indeed, to save time and make getting thousands of people in and out as quick and painless as possible. It was quite a genius idea really." Sherlock says and I look up and smile, appreciating all his knowledge.
"Quite." Sherlock smiles at me before gently pulling me around to look at various things.

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