Fury and Jasmine Swirl

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We arrive at the airport with a surprising amount of time to spear. We went through the painstaking customs that took far too long as Sherlock insisted he needed to bring a multitude of things the guards weren't happy with. After that we head into the shops for a hour then it all of a sudden comes to me. I haven't bought my brother a wedding present.
"Fear not Watson, there's plenty of time to purchase the socially required gift." Sherlock says glancing at some Spanish chocolates.
"How did you-"
"We're in a shop, your pupils suddenly dilated, what else could you need to purchase eminently?" He says finally meeting my eyes. It still amazes me. Every deduction always does and hopefully always will.
"Any ideas?" I ask hopefully. My brother Oren and I were always close in a sense that we were similar ages and lived together but that was it. I have absolutely no idea what he would like or need and even less an idea of what his bride-to-be Lana would like.
Sherlock smirks and raised his eyebrow.
"Marriage is a hedge against the terror of mortality, gifts are expected yet hardly ever appreciated. I'm sure what ever you get him will suffice."
Sherlock bounces on his heels whilst I think. That's a good point, I'm his sister I should get him something he will actually like...
"I've got it! When Oren and I went on a family holiday when I was sixteen and he was eighteen he was obsessed with this cologne that his favourite race car driver used to wear but could never afford it, he still talks about it whenever I see him. I wonder if it's here?" I glance around and start walking with Sherlock close behind.
"Do you remember what it was called Watson? The cologne?" I stop in my tracks and Sherlock almost walks into me.
"No I don't remember the name, it would be hard to forget the smell though. It was sort of spicy?" Sherlock gives me the most questioning look.
"How could a cologne be-"
"Oh! The race car drivers name was Hank Miller, I'll just look it up." I exclaim happily and reach for my phone, only to notice Sherlock has got his out and already typed it in.
"It's called 'Fury'. I weep for your sixteen year old self."
I laugh and we head over to the racks of perfumes and colognes. Sherlock and I start prowling through, occasionally laughing at a funny name or stopping to smell one. I become rather taken with one called 'Apple' and I notice Sherlock smelling one called 'Liberosis'. He picks it up and turns to face me smiling sadly.
"It means the desire to care less."
I stop and focus completely on him. I gently take it out of his hands and spray some, it's incredible.
"If you didn't care about anything or anyone what would be the point in living?" Sherlock meets my eyes and smiles lightly.
"Very true Watson, ah here it is!"
He grabs fury and we both grin.
"I don't suggest smelli-" Sherlock sprays some between us and I instantly start coughing and laughing remembering it's horrible sent.
"You were quite right Watson," Sherlock pitches the bridge of his nose "are you sure you want to get this for Oren?" Sherlock passes me the bottle and takes a step back.
"He loves it so I guess, although Lana may disagree. Oh look they're 'two for the price of one' I can get one for Lana as well." I turn around and start looking at the female perfumes. "It's so hard to buy perfume for other people, what's the most commonly liked fragrance?" I glance over my shoulder to see Sherlock smelling 'mint velvet' which just happens to be my perfume and he looks up and me in realisation. I laugh and almost blush.
"Some guess."
He smirks at me and puts it down.
"I don't guess, I deduce. Strawberry is the most commonly liked fragrance however perfumes never do the fruit justice. This ones nice." He hands me 'Jasmine Swirl' and I smell it, it is nice. It's light and delicate, if such a description can describe a smell.
"Perfect, thanks."
I grab a near by basket and put both perfumes in. Sherlock turns towards me.
"Please allow me to pay for them Watson." I smirk in return.
"As if. I know money means nothing to you Sherlock but I can buy my brother a wedding gift." Sherlock sighs and smiles.
"Okay then, at least let me pay for half and put my name on the tag also." He flashes a grin and I give in.
"Fine, lets go."
Sherlock claps his hands together and we go pick up a few extra things then pay.
"We left in a rush this morning Watson, what would you like for breakfast?" Sherlock gestures to the varied fast food and cafes around us.
Since I've known Sherlock he's never once set foot in a fast food restaurant, he seems to hate them with every fibre in his body, takeaways are fine but actually going in seems to repulse him.
Remembering this I gesture to a Costa and he sighs happily.
"Thank god. After you" Sherlock says softy holding the door open for me. The second I enter the coffee smell becomes overwhelming but so welcoming and I sigh contently, vaguely aware that Sherlock is watching me. I suddenly turn to him with wide eyes and realisation hits me. He echoes my look and grabs my shoulders
"Watson what's wrong?"
"We didn't tell Captain Gregson and Marcus we were leaving! They might think we've been kidnapped or something terrible-"
Sherlock exhales and smiles.
"Watson, do you honestly think I would remember to inform Mrs Hudson to feed Clyde and the bees and not phone the captain?" He says with a laugh and I relax and smile as well.
"That's a relief!" I breath out again and begin looking at the coffees on offer.
"Indeed, they were both happy to give us a four day leave and wish us the best. Although I made sure they have both of our numbers and know to call if they need us." Sherlock takes a step closer to me and looks at the menus also.
"I'll order and you get a table." I say casually hoping Sherlock doesn't think too much and agrees, however this is Sherlock Holmes. He glances at me and smirks.
"Nice try." He says before dashing like a mad man to the counter and leaving me sighing but smiling. I make my way over to a small table in the corner that's slightly further away than the rest. Looking around there's hardly anyone here other than a couple of people sitting on odd tables and a family two tables down from me. There's a man and a woman and a baby boy, they are all crowded over something smiling and I echo their smile.
Sherlock comes harbouring some amazing smelling drinks and passes me one before casually sitting down and looking at the family. He smiles as the kid laughs just as I did and an unexpected feeling washes over me. Longing.
Sherlock turns towards me and I look down when he smirks at my staring. We finish our drinks and head towards the terminal side by side.

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