Goodbyes and Hellos

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It's pitch black when we return to our room and collapse on the bed. We change clothes whilst talking vaguely about travel plans and quickly end up on our respectable sides of the bed. I reach across Sherlock and pick up one of his books and smile when I realise it's Hamlet.
"You just happen to have a copy of Hamlet on hand?" I say smirking and Sherlock chuckles.
"Never leave without the essentials Watson." Sherlock says whilst moving closer and reading the book over my shoulder.
"It's a beautiful copy." I say, admiring the lettering and page binding.
"It was gift from a client back in England."
I hum and pass the book back to Sherlock and lie down.
"So we're leaving tomorrow." I mumble and Sherlock lies down on his side of the bed.
"Indeed. I must find your brother before we leave, I have much to thank him for." Sherlock says and I prop myself up on my arm and look curiously over at him.
"Like what?" I say in confusion and Sherlock smiles.
"For changing the wedding date, for inviting me, for changing the rooms and most importantly for loving Lana. Everything is changing because of him. And it's the best thing that's ever happened to me Watson. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me."
I move closer to Sherlock and wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his chest, hoping he understands that he's the best thing that's ever happened to me. When he encircles his arms around me and kisses my head I know he does.
"Oh and there's an envelope addressed to you that came when you were showering." Sherlock says reaching behind and passing me an envelope before returning his arm around me.
I instantly recognise the writing as my brothers and open the envelope. As I pull out the contents I gasp and Sherlocks breath hitches. It's us.
There's a picture of Sherlock and I in the pool the first night we came here. Sherlocks arms are around me and we are both smiling widely at each other. I find myself smiling as I put it down.
The next picture is us dancing at the wedding. I remember exactly what happened when the photo was taken. Sherlock had just spun me into his arms and cracked a joke about the time he dressed up as Elsa from 'frozen' for everyone. In the picture I'm laughing and Sherlock and smiling widely at me.
The last one is from mere hours ago in the pool when I put my arms around Sherlocks shoulders and we ascended the water laughing madly.
"How did Oren get these?" I say in disbelief but quite happy to have these as a memory from the trip.
"Your brother is quite the investigator." Sherlock says with a chuckle as he picks up the pictures and looks at them. I tilt my head up to catch his reaction and smile when I see him smiling. "We can put these in the basement when we've decorated it."
I feel my smile become impossibly wider.
"That would be amazing." I say whilst embracing Sherlock tighter. "I can't believe that the day after tomorrow we'll be working on a case."
Sherlock holds me tighter.
"Indeed, it will be different I grant you but nothing has to change. In fact we may even become better at the art of deduction. But Watson, never feel you have to shield your feelings from me just because we're... closer now. If you disagree with me on a case say so, we work better that way, one Holmes one Watson." I laugh at Sherlock for a moment, of course I've already thought about all this and know that we will never and should never agree on everything, it's how we work.
"I get it Sherlock, and the same to you. It's the way we work and it's good." I say humming in contentment.
"You know, we should probably go down and greet your family Watson. They'll think I'm hogging you." Sherlock says whilst taking my hands and kissing my knuckles.
"I'm fine with you hogging." I say with a happily hum and receive a chuckle.
"Even so, we might not see them tomorrow if we leave early as planned."
I nod against Sherlocks chest and decide that it might actually be nice to see my Mother before we leave.
"Okay, we should go." I say and slowly sit up. "But just for a while."
Sherlock chuckles as we get up. I take Sherlocks hand as we walk and relish in the comfort of such a simple gesture.
We walk slowly down the stairs and eye the small crowd of people in the lobby. There's a few family members here and there but I notice Oren and Lana sat with my Mother, aunt and uncle.
Sherlock seems to see them the same time as I do and raises his eyebrows at me. I smile and we make our way over to them.
"Joan, Sherlock!" Oren says happily the moment he sees us and jumps up to embrace me.
"How did you get the pictures?" I whisper to Oren and he pulls back and winks before shaking Sherlocks hand with a big grin. I roll my eyes and turn to Lana.
"Your wedding was absolutely beautiful Lana." I say and she smiles widely.
"Thanks Joan! I just can't wait to leave for Hawaii tomorrow." Lana says with a laugh and I laugh too.
"I can imagine, have a wonderful time." I say a smile then turn to my mother and notice her looking at me closely.
I walk over and sit by her.
"Hey Mum, are you okay?" Taking her hand I look at her worryingly. Suddenly she breaks out into a wide smile.
"Oh my baby girl, I'm so happy for you!" She says and pulls me into a tight embrace that I return with a confused laugh. I look over her shoulder at Sherlock who's talking to Oren and Lana and he winks at me.
"So happy about what?" I say and pull back from my mother.
"Sherlock and you, you and Sherlock I just can't believe it. Well maybe I can but still!" My mum blurts out and I feel my face go bright red and hush her instantly and she looks around confused.
"Mum please it's really early for us, I don't want to go too fast." I whisper and she rolls her eyes but nods.
"I understand sweetheart." She says and I smile at her in relief.
"Thanks Mum." I say happily and hug her.
"I love you Joan. When you too are ready, come over for tea." Mum says with a smile that I echo.
"We will Mum. Also we are leaving early tomorrow so we probably won't see you." I say and watch my mum nod.
"Okay, we will meet soon. Until then." She says and kisses my cheek before getting up and going to Sherlock.
"It's been a pleasure dear Sherlock." I watch my mother embrace Sherlock and whisper something ineligible in Sherlocks ear.
"I will." He says softly to her and she smiles at him. I look between them in complete confusion until my mother claps her hands.
"Well, i am off to bed." She says before hugging everyone again.
"I think we'll be off too." Lana says as she takes Orens hand.
"Have fun tomorrow." I say embracing them both and then watch them leave before turning to Sherlock.
"Want to order in?"

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