You and I

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Swimming was amazing, honestly it was the most fun I've had in years. It was crazy stupid fun that I didn't know Sherlock was capable of. Shortly after swimming we both went back to the changing rooms where I showered and got changed and when I stepped outside again the sun was setting. Pink and orange shone through the sky, it was truly beautiful. I knew Sherlock had moved behind me without even turning.
"Beautiful isn't it." I say to the sky.
"Radient." He says and I turn to face Sherlock Holmes' beautiful smile.
"Let's eat, there's room service back in the room." I say and Sherlock nods and smiles. Happily we make our way back to the hotel room and once again avoid my family. Once inside i sit on my side of the bed and glance at the room service menus, it's all pretty standard stuff, before passing it to Sherlock. He glances at it and then back at me.
"Chicken noodles?" I say and his eyes light up.
"I was thinking much the same. I'll order." Sherlock says and takes the phone in the bathroom to order.
"I grab the TV remote and flick through some channels avoiding all game shows as I know how infuriating Sherlock finds them. Once we were watching 'Eggheads' and he didn't know the answer to one question so researched it for three days straight afterwards. I put on 'planet earth 2' knowing it's something we both greatly enjoy.
Sherlock comes back in looking happy and sits down on his side of the bed. We watch the show in compatible silence until the food comes which we eat whilst quizzing each other on the previously watched show until my phone rings. I smile at Sherlock before picking it up.
"Bell! Is everything okay?" I say suddenly remembering the life I have with Sherlock back at the brownstone.
"Joan hey, look I'm sorry to call you but we're having some trouble with a case." I instantly put my phone on speaker and chuck it in the middle of the bed.
"You have both of us, shoot." I say.
"Male 24, shot and killed, prints on a gun found at the scene say it's one guy but his alibi is solid." Bell says through the phone.
"Does this man have a twin detective?" Sherlock says calmly.
"Hold up." Bell says and clicking can heard then a sigh. "Yeah he does, damn I told the guys to check on that."
"No worries Marcus." Joan says laughing slightly. "How's everything at the station?"
"Just come back soon." Bell says, strain evident in his voice.
"Will do, bye." I say then hang up and smile and turn to Sherlock.
"Incompetent police station." Sherlock says and I nod in agreement.
"Poor Marcus." I say sadly, suddenly missing home. Sherlock turns to me and grabs my hand.
"We will be back soon." He says softy. "And in the mean time sleep, dear Watson." I suddenly notice how tired I am and nod whilst grabbing my bee top and shorts. I head to the bathroom and shut the door.
My hair has dried since my shower and falls in waves over my shoulders and I quickly change and brush my teeth then head back out.
The light has been turned out and the fairy lights provide a beautiful dim light. I laugh and climb into the open bed, supposedly cleared by Sherlock and turn to face him. The fairy lights above us make it just possible to see most of his face, staring at mine. I suddenly, selfishly, long for his touch, and don't feel tired at all.
"Thanks for coming here with me." I say quietly and reach under the covers for his hand and gently squeeze it. Just as I try to let go he intertwined our fingers and moves slightly closer.
"Don't let go." He whispers and I don't. Instead I pull his hand to my lips and softy kiss it. I notice his breathing hitched so quickly let go of his hand. I went to far didn't I. I turn away from Sherlock and sigh only to feel him move close behind my back. He doesn't touch me, I feel him giving me the choice. I turn into him so my heads on his chest and his is on my head and smile as his arm pulls me closer to him. My hands falls on his chest and I notice how fast we're both breathing.
"This doesn't have to change anything." I whisper, secretly disagreeing with myself. Sherlock seems to relax slightly and holds me tighter.
"One step at a time?" He says and I smile into his shirt, noticing it's his bee top.
"One step at a time."

Liberosis- An Elementary story Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora