Life is beautiful

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The chapel is exquisite. There's flowers around all of the seats and people flood in, all beautifully dressed. It takes us a while to find our seats and when we do we sit down quickly and look around. Sherlock mumbles something about getting a drink and I watch him walk away with a smile. In front of me there's a young girl wearing a bridesmaid dress and wearing a pretty flower crown sat on a chair. She glances around anxiously until she meets my eyes and I smile. Instantly she runs round the chair and into my surprised arms. Without thinking I whisper calming words until the girl pulls back from my arms, showing her tear stained face.
"What's wrong honey?" I say whilst fixing a flower in her hair.
"I'm scared, I'm the youngest bridesmaid and if I trip and fall they'll all laugh." She says and starts crying again. I think the girl is around six.
"That's nonsense, you'll be absolutely fine. Just follow the person in front. If you feel scared just look at me and I'll pull a funny face and make you laugh." I say and the young girl giggles as I pull and funny face then grin.
"Okay thank you. I'm Lela." She says, visibly calmer.
"I'm Joan."
"Pretty name." She says with a giggle.
"Just like yours. You should probably go find the other bridesmaids, it should be starting soon." I say and Lela nods and takes a big breath.
"Okay, bye Joan."
"Bye Lela." I say lightly and watch her walk away. I find my thoughts wonder until they get interrupted by a light hand on my knee. Sherlock passes me a glass with a big smile.
"I don't know how you do it Watson. You're truly amazing." He whispers and every word touches me deeply. I take sherlocks hand from my knee and intertwine our finger. It's a simple gesture but so unlike us. We both sit face forward, public displays of affection are so unlike us yet I find myself liking the reassurance of his hand and as he gently squeezes my hand, I understand that he likes mine too.
The ceremony passed quickly. Lana looked absolutely stunning as she walked out and I watched my brother look so happy. Their vows were very emotional and I found myself smiling widely and trying not to cry. I watched Oren with so much happiness and pride as they kissed and everyone applauded happily. Little Lela made it through the whole ceremony perfectly and looked at me a few times as we pulled funny faces at each other. In the blink of an eye we are whisked into the hotels ballroom. Sherlock and I find a table and congratulate Lana and Oren before nibbling on some food and falling into easy conversation.
A slow song begins to play and Oren and Lana begin their first dance. I watch them with a big smile and my smile grows as others join in.
"Care to dance Watson?" Sherlock says and I raise my eyebrows in shock.
"You dance?" I exclaim and Sherlock chuckles.
"Of course."  I take Sherlocks extended hand with a smile and pull him happily to the dance floor. It's been forever since I've danced with someone. We find a space and he looks nervously at me. I smile reassuringly and put one hand in Sherlocks and the other on his shoulder as he puts his on my waist. In a split second his nerves die and he leads our dance effortlessly. We glide around the dance floor in complete happiness.
Sherlock gently pulls me closer and I put my arms around his neck as he puts his around my waist. We're impossibly close and I'm loving every second.
"People are staring." Sherlock whispers into my ear and I pull back slightly to look around casually. Out of the corner of my eye I notice a table of my family with my mother on staring directly at us and tense slightly. "Are you alright?"
I lean back against Sherlock and smile, instantly feeling better.
"Never better." I say and smile wholeheartedly resisting the huge desire I have to kiss Sherlock. To make sure he knows I want this, that I'm not afraid.
"You truly are exquisite dear Watson." Sherlock says and I look up at him lovingly and with a smile.
We literally dance the night away and I laugh more than I ever have. Well after midnight Sherlock and I say goodbye and retire to our room. Sherlocks arm is around my waist and I lean against him tiredly as we walk up and into our room.
The fairy lights are already on which provide their light white light. I pull away from Sherlock to fall dramatically on the bed, earning a chuckle from Sherlock. I kick of my heels and sigh happily.
"That was amazing." I whisper as Sherlock lies on the bed, directly next to me, both of us staring at the ceiling. "Oren looked so happy."
"It was quite beautiful." Sherlock says and I smirk and turn to him, propping my arm up and resting my head on it.
"Is the great Sherlock Holmes changing his views on marriage?" I say sarcastically and even in the dark I see his smirk.
"Maybe I am my dear Watson, maybe I am."
I pull myself up and grab a tank top and shorts, knowing that if I get too comfortable I won't take my dress and makeup off.
"I'll be a few minutes." I say and watch Sherlock swing of the bed and produce his own pyjamas as I disappear into the bathroom. After a quick shower and freshening I hang up my dress and head out to Sherlock. He's laying on his side of the bed in only shorts and my breath hitches for a moment. Luckily he doesn't notice or doesn't say anything. Tiredness hits me the moment I climb into the bed however I miss sherlocks touch greatly.
Deciding to risk rejection I edge closer to Sherlock and smile as I notice him do the same. We move so close that I'm almost lying on him and his arms encircle me so we feel even closer. I trace patterns on his chest and feel him stroking my hair. We both remain silent. We have to talk about this, us. But not tonight.

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