Just a little closer

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It doesn't take long to find the room. Sherlock puts the key in and holds the door open as I pass through.
The room is beautiful. The walls are cream and fairy lights are laced around the room and the bed. The bed. One bed. I turn to Sherlock and notice him staring at it as well.
"It's no big deal. The beds huge, we won't even notice each other." I say trying to reassure Sherlock yet he simply chuckles.
"We're both adults, dear Watson, I'm sure the sleeping arrangements won't be much of a problem." He says and I exhale in relief and fall on the right side of the bed.
"Great because I'm exhausted." I pull out my phone and notice it's only four then sit up again. Sherlock is sat on the left side of the bed pulling clothes out of his suitcase. I catch a glimpse of his mint green tie and wonder how he'll feel when he sees my matching dress tomorrow. My eyes feel dangerously close to closing due to the incredible comfort of the bed so I pull myself up and walk to the window and look down at the big pool and instantly feel awake.
"Do you want to go swimming?" I ask Sherlock and see him smile and nod.
"Yes, good idea Watson. It's extremely hot." I nod in agreement then suddenly feel shy and turn away from him. I've never worn just a bathing suit in front of Sherlock Holmes. Yet Sherlock is right, it's stupidly hot and I feel the water calling me. I look down at the the pool and notice changing rooms next to it.
"Great! Let's go." I turn and notice Sherlock is already by the door holding his swim shorts and my bikini. I roll my eyes at his smirk and grab it and two towels as we leave. I grab Sherlocks arm and pull him quickly along, eager to avoid seeing my family till the last possible moment. I feel Sherlocks hand close around mine and smile to myself.
We reach the pool and it's even bigger than I thought and practically empty. Sadly I let go of Sherlocks hand and smile at him before we go into the different changing rooms. I change quickly and shove my clothes in a locker before taking my hair down so it flows around my shoulders. I almost freeze when I take a look in the mirror because I look so unlike me. I look carefree and happy, also the bikini is a lot nicer than I thought. Taking one big breath and trying to tame my nerves I make my way outside.
I glance around for Sherlock and stop in amazement. He's standing a few feet from me, in swim shorts, looking radient. I take a moment to admire his tattoos and how beautiful he is before I take the few steps that bring us face to face.
"You look exquisite Watson." Sherlock says lightly and I feel myself blush.
"You don't look bad yourself." I say smiling easily. "Oh hold still there's a spider in your hair." I say and Sherlock is thrown of guard momentarily and I take the time to push him into the pool. My plan would have worked perfectly, if he hadn't grabbed my hand last minute and pulled me in too.
We both laugh once in the water and I relish in the coldness of it.
"Very clever Watson, but I'm always one step-"
I cut him of by splashing water in his face.
"What was that?" I ask playfully and Sherlock laughs then looks behind me in shock.
"Oh my God it's your mother."
I gasp in shock and turn around however my mother is nowhere in sight. Just at this realisation Sherlocks arms grab my waist and pull me to him as I laugh in realisation that I've been tricked. I turn to face the grinning Sherlock, our body's touching and his arms still around my waist.
"That was not funny!" I say yet can't hide my smile.
"On the contrary, that was hilarious." Sherlock says chuckling. "Would if be so bad to see your mother right now?"
I look down and shrug.
"I would have to answer a lot of questions that I'm not ready for." I whisper and Sherlock nods and looks into my eyes, I know he understands.
"Anyway, I'm pretty sure she doesn't know about your tattoos." I say sarcastically and start tracing a dragon on his chest with my finger and suddenly realise that two days ago I never would have done this so casually. Sherlock laughs.
"Ah yes, perhaps she'd worry i would impregnate her favourite daughter with ideas about tattoos." He lingers on the last word and I laugh.
"I love your tattoos, they're a part of you." I look up and notice Sherlock staring at me. Just at this moment something soft hits my back and I jump in surprise and turn around in Sherlocks arms so I'm leaning on his back and his head leans on my shoulder.
There's a little girl who's about two in a rubber ring grinning madly. A woman swims over to us and apologises before dragging the rubber ring back to her.
"She was cute." I say whilst closing my eyes briefly marvelling in this incredible moment.
"Wasn't that a boy?" Sherlock says confused and my hand flies to my mouth when I laugh.
"Maybe." I say still laughing. "Catch me if you can."

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