Plane ride

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Getting on the plane was surprisingly fast however due to the rushed booking Sherlock made, the only seats available where two very small seats by the window. On the left of the seat further from the window sits a young boy and presumably his mother.
Sherlock politely steps behind me allowing me the window seat. I smirk knowing the real reason, he gets air sick, like a baby. Never the less I slide into the seat and Sherlock slides in next to me, our knees pressing firmly together. I wonder if Sherlock is as aware of this as I am?
He looks at the child next to him and grimaces, I can imagine his internal dilemma. What's worst? Sickness or a child? I smile to myself at the thought and Sherlock edges closer. Controlling my breathing must have been harder than I thought because Sherlock looked questioningly at me.
"You don't get air sick Watson?"
"No I don't. I ur guess I'm just nervous about the wedding." I lie easily and guiltily. Luckily Sherlock just nods and pulls out a cold case.
"Thank god!" I exclaim and lean closer to him and skim read the file, vaguely aware of Sherlock glancing up at me now and again.
"Boy age 16, went missing twenty years ago, no body." Sherlock says then sits back and sighs. "Solved it."
I stare at him wide eyed.
"In three seconds!" I exclaim again and role my eyes when he gives me a smug smile then look back at the folder and sit back.
"Solved it." I say and sigh into my seat, instantly bored. Sherlock smirks and I watch as he texts Gregson an identical theory to my own." Did you bring anymore?"
Sherlock shakes his head.
"Alas, I underestimated our ability." He sighs and looks past me out the window to see that we haven't even taken off yet. 
The young boys mother gets up and looks at Sherlock and I.
"I'm so sorry but would you mind keeping an eye on him for two minuties?"
Sherlock looks to me in protest but I smirk and look up at the woman.
"Sure no problem!" And extend my hand to the little boy. "I'm Joan, this is Sherlock."
The little boy grins and leans on Sherlocks knee as he shakes my hand. I watch and Sherlock rolls his eyes and moves ever closer.
"I'm Liam." The young boy says with a very cute American accent. "I'm 5!"
"You're so grown up!" I say gasping dramatically and he laughs, I could have sworn Sherlock smiled. "So Liam, why are you going to Rome?"
"My Daddy works there, Mummy is really excited to see him." Liam says happily and I smile but can't help feeling sad at how hard it must be for the family to have been appart. "What about you Seerlock and Jown?"
I smile at the adorable way Liam said our names and surprisingly watch Sherlock answer.
"We are going to a wedding." He says simply and I nudge Sherlocks shoulder and smile. The young boy looks at Sherlock then I then back at Sherlock.
"You're getting married! That's amazing!" Liam exclaims and I feel my cheeks almost explode and notice Sherlocks in a similar state. A few people turn around and give us thumbs up and smiles.
"Actually it's my brothers wedding." I say and watch Sherlock scratch his head and Liam nods.
"So when will you two get married?" Liam says and the hot heat returns. Liam leans close to Sherlock. "She is very beautiful."
Sherlock and I laugh genuinely and Sherlock turns to face Liam properly.
"She is, Liam, very beautiful." A warm feeling overtakes my whole body." But she's always stealing my tee-shirts, It just wouldn't work out." Sherlock says and at this the boy laughs and hides in his hands.
"Hey! They're comfy." I say in defence but still smiling and Sherlock turns to me with a glint in his eyes.
"My dear Watson, what's mine is yours." Sherlocks eyes never leave mine and before I can really understand what he's saying he smirks" apart from the Rolling Stones limited addition one." I let out a real laugh and lean back in my chair.
"Noted." I say and now notice we are in the air and Sherlock looks completely fine, no sign of sickness at all.
Liam's mother comes back and waves her thanks to us.
"So, do you want to watch a film?" I mumble and Sherlock sighs.
"If we must." Sherlock says and I smile. There's one TV between us so we will have to agree on a film. Turning on the TV I scroll through some options. There's loads of rubbish but I stop when I see the notebook and laugh.
"Absolutely not Watson." Sherlock states and I laugh.
"Don't worry, wasn't planning on it." I keep scrolling until the Kenneth Branagh 'Hamlet' comes on and raise my eyebrow.
"To be or not to be..." Sherlock ponders and I can't help but roll my eyes.
"That's the most basic Hamlet quote."
Sherlock turns to me and smirks.
"I could recite the entire play for you if you want?" Sherlock says, his face very close to mine.
"That's okay, lets just watch the film." I reply and Sherlock smirks. "Besides, I know every word."
Sherlock looks at me in shock and I just smile and press play.
The film goes well, we only stop it twice to argue about Ophelia and Hamlets relationship. A small tear wells up in my eye when Hamlet screams his love at Ophelia funeral but I stay as still as I can so Sherlock doesn't notice. When it ends we are both still until Sherlock turns to me.
"Your thoughts Watson?" Sherlock says lightly.
"I can't imagine how heartbroken Ophelia would have been, thinking the person she loved most in the world lied and never loved her..." My thoughts fly around. What if Sherlock ever died? Or I died and he'd be alone? Do I mean that much to him? As if Sherlock can read my thoughts he puts his hand on mine. His touch is so light yet I still feel my heart beat ever faster and I look down at his hand on mine. Could I risk it? It's not like he can run away on a plane. Swiftly I turn my hand over and intertwine our fingers.
"Watson." Sherlock whispers lightly as the plane lights dim. I turn to face him in the dark, his breath feels warm against my ear. "Never doubt my love."

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