No labels just love

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As light streams into the room I wake up in complete comfort as I notice fingers running through my hair and hum in contentment. I hear a small chuckle.
"Morning." Sherlock says softly as I stretch my legs.
"Good morning." I mumble and lean into him more, not quite ready to wake up. I carefully trace the bee on his shirt and feel him smiling into my hair. "So, it's the wedding tonight."
"Indeed." Sherlock echoes. "I believe it starts at three?"
"Yep." I say completely unwilling to move from Sherlocks arms until my phone rings. I sigh and pull myself up and reach for my phone that's on the table before lying back against Sherlock and answering it.
"Hello?" I mumble, too tired to look at the caller ID.
"Joan! It's Oren, I was trying on my suit and a seem split. I really need you to help me fix it!" He says, panic evident in his voice.
"Breathe Oren." I say laughing lightly, "I'll come by and fix it in ten minutes, what room are you in?"
"Room 6, please hurry!" He says then the phone cuts out.
I feel myself sigh at the thought of leaving Sherlock and when I look up at him I wonder if he's thinking the same thing. Suddenly my phone rings again and I put it to my ear once more.
"Hey Joan it's me again, just so you know I told Mum that you'd bring Sherlock to breakfast this morning." Oren says and I bolt up, suddenly wide awake.
"What! Oren you know I hate family get to togethers!" I say in protest.
"Remember you love me." He says guilty and I sigh.
"Okay fine, I'll come by and fix your suit then we'll go." I snap by phone shut before he asks me to do anything else before once again falling into Sherlock.
"Did you hear?" I ask and feel him nod.
"I'll be waiting for you." He says and I smile before pulling myself up and heading to my suitcase and pulling out the dress I brought and heading into the bathroom. I have the quickest shower in the world then apply some light makeup and slip the dress on. It's cream and silky and hugs my curves lightly. Then I pull my hair into a ponytail and step out of the bathroom to find Sherlock reading a book on the bed. I smile at the sight of him so calm and relaxed before grabbing my emergency sewing kit and heading to the door.
"Won't be long."
"I'll be here." Sherlock says, flashing a smile before returning to his book then suddenly looking up at me again.
"What?" I say looking down at my dress then back at Sherlock.
"You look beautiful." He says and I roll my eyes but smile then leave.
It doesn't take long to find Orens room and as soon as I knock he pulls me inside.
"Thanks for doing this Joan." Oren says whilst thrusting a jacket at me.
I sit down on the side of his bed and begin fixing it till I notice he's pacing.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask and Oren looks at me in surprise.
"Nothing." He says, obviously lying. "Okay fine, I'm scared Joan! Marriage! That's a big step, the biggest step." He runs his fingers through his hair and I quickly finish sewing then walk towards him and put my hands on his shoulders.
"Oren, you're ready for this. Trust me the moment you see Lana all you will think about is her." I say and Oren looks reassured till he smirks.
"So sis," Oren says with the same cheeky smile he always used on me,"you and Sherlock."
I feel my cheeks explode and Oren laughs loudly.
"I knew it! Mum said you weren't together but I just knew it aww my little sister all grown up!" I hit the side of his arm.
"Shut up Oren, we're not together." I say but smile a little and watch his eyebrow raise.
"Oh no? So what happened in the pool yesterday?" I feel suddenly very cornered and back up a little.
"I don't know what you're talking about Oren." I say and collect up my stuff. He laughs once more.
"Sure sure, just know I like him. Also there's the cutest picture of you too in the lobby!" I turn around and face him in shock.
"What!" And Oren bursts out laughing.
"I'm kidding Joan! Although the picture wasn't a lie, it's just not in the lobby. I'll send it to you I promise." Oren says with a wink.
"Whatever Oren," I say smiling in relief." See you at breakfast".
Oren waves with a smirk as I leave and make my way as quickly as I can back to Sherlock.
The moment I get in I almost go crashing into him.
"Watson, you look flustered." He says with concern and I wave in dismissal.
"Nope I'm quite fine, ready to go?" I say and notice he's wearing the top I picked out and shorts.
"You look nice." I say with approval and Sherlock nods.
"Thank you. Shall we go?" He says and I walk around him and grab my bag and phone.
"Yes, let's go."
His hand is at the small of my back when we walk and I smile at the thought. We head down to the dining room which is a very outdoors room with lots of tables and I quickly spot my family and pull Sherlock back.
"I'm sorry in advance." I say wholeheartly and Sherlock laughs.
"Watson I've met your family before." He says reassuringly but I shake my head.
"No, you've met my parents and Oren. Most of the people here speak only Mandarin and use my Chinese name." I say and Sherlock laughs and takes my hand.
"Worry not Watson, everything will be fine. I speak a little mandarin also." Sherlock radiates calmness yet my heart is raising. I guess the sooner we go the sooner we can leave.
Our hands remain together as we make are way to a big table surrounded by almost all the relatives I've ever known. My mother is the first one I see.
"Joan!" She gets up and pulls me into a tight hug." Joan seriously when was the last time you cut your hair." Mum says grabbing my hair making my hand slip from Sherlocks.
"Good to see you too Mum." I say laughing and hugging her again. Now her eyes go to Sherlock.
"Sherlock!" She says whilst hugging him. I can't help but smile at the sight of my 4ft8 mother embracing the tall Sherlock Holmes.
Then, as expected many family members come up and greet us both until Sherlock pulls out a seat for me and pulls up one next to me for himself. We both order toast and make casual convocation with my family. Most questions are simple enough to answer and I happily let Sherlock answer most.
"Yes we live together."
"I'm a consulting detective."
"My medical license is still in date."
Are the most common questions directed at me and similar ones are directed at Sherlock. After about an hour I make a polite excuse for Sherlock and I to leave and as soon as we're out of ear shot and sight of family I sight and lean again the wall.
"That wasn't as bad as I thought." I say running my hand through my hair and Sherlock smiles.
"I like them." He says and I smile.
"I'm glad."
Sherlock grabs my hand and we walk in silence back to the hotel room.

// i really hope you like the story so far!It's just some much needed joanlock ;) i would love to know what you think so far as I've written a lot of the story x

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