Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Isabelle's POV

    The thoughts in my head jumbled around, banging off each side of my brain. Different pieces of words and sentences seemed to circle around before my eyes. Very few memories brought me back to recent events, including my current location. It seemed impossible to unglue my eyes; the seemed to be getting heavier each second. I heard the silent buzzing next to my temple, it sounded fairly familiar. It sounded like the alarm clock I was so accustomed to hearing every morning. 5:30 AM would always glow back at me as I tried to crease my eyes open and get on with the day.

 The next thing I knew, I was looking back up at a blank ceiling. The tiles were paneled and white, they seemed to make a square pattern as they stared back at me in confusion. I curled my toes, testing out the feeling of my muscles under the pressure of the blanket on top of me. The room are white, very white. For some reason it was comforting. I was too afraid to turn my head because of the constant  pounding that was in my forehead. I continued to look back up at the ceiling until I heard a crashing sort of sound from underneath me. To my surprise, I jolted up in bed, nearly smacking my head onto the headboard. A dizzy sensation sent my eyes spinning to the back of my head as I reach for my temple to steady myself.

 Put your head between your knees.

 I remembered my school nurse always telling this to us when we got dizzy. I was surprised that was one of the selective things I remembered. At this moment my head was foggy and clouded. I knew enough that this was my fault and it was most likely the conclusion of a hangover.

 I placed my head on the top of my knees and stared down at the white comforter beneath me. I fisted at the soft blankets near the top of the bed until my knuckles turned white. My throat felt dry. I hadn’t realized that something was missing yet. My red dress, that I had taken hours to pick out, was strewn across the little brown desk in the corner of the room.

   My mind was sent into panic mode, questions like where was I, what had I done last night, who was I with, all crammed into my head. I twisted my body to find the alarm clock, hopefully it was the source of the vibrations. To my luck, I found the glowing little box nearby on the same desk my dress was on. I lifted myself out of the bed and almost dropped to the floor as I saw my uncovered body become completely revealed to the long mirror on the closet. My eyes were wide and bloodshot, my body was patched with red and purple. I grasped onto the white blanket and draped it over my shoulders to shamefully cover my body. I squinted to make out the little yellow words on the clock and read it out loud to myself.

 "12:36 PM." I spoke hushed. Underneath the little clock lay a handwritten note with a large signature. I scanned it thoroughly reading it over and over again.

Good morning, Isabelle

Hope you slept well, last night was incredible from what I remember. I just left for some breakfast, I should be back in a few.

Harry x

 Who the hell is Harry?

 I picked up the note in my hands and folded it up, placing it back on the desk. I frantically searched for my underwear, something I never thought of doing my entire life. Finally, I spotted my red and black bra hanging on top of the lamp shade by the closet. My cheeks flushed as I dropped the blanket to the ground and buttoned it around my body. Similarly, my underwear was strewn on the floor by the bed, so I made my way over to swiftly slip it up my legs. I was more embarrassed than ever. Now, I would have to leave this place, this foreign place in a red cocktail dress. I don't have a car, as far as I know. I spotted a pair of black sweat pants bunched up in the corner of the room. I'm sure this Harry character wouldn't mind if I borrowed them. I slipped them over my freezing legs and found a white V-neck to pair with it. I grabbed the folded piece of paper and shoved it deep into the pocket of the pants then grabbed onto my dress. I don't even want to know what my hair looks like.

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