Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Harry's POV

"I hope you know that you're truly an arse." Louis laughs slapping his thigh. He begins to tip back in his chair reaching behind himself in spit of the fact his bear was in plain sight. I let out a slight laugh as he attempted to grab onto his drink. It was amusing, to be honest. When he was piss drunk he couldn't exactly keep hold of his actions.

"I'm just doing what you taught me." I snorted throwing down a jack.

"I should really learn to keep my tips to myself," He sneers finally grasping onto his beer and taking a long gulp. He returns his gaze back to me, biting on his lips to decided what card too play. I wait for him to make his move and I can't help but think how easy this will be. Louis taught me at a young age how to play poker. We didn't play often, more or less when we both didn't have work to do. I usually didn't considering I was basically self employed. He had most nights at the bar so it was a bit of clash. I mean who wants to get drunk and play poker in the middle of the afternoon.

"I think this is a winner," He smiles to himself placing a card on top of his deck. I roll my eyes and as sober as I am I don't want a drink. I prefer to play cards completely sober, that way I know I can win. Plus, either way Louis won't remember this tomorrow.

"Let's see, shall we?" He turns around his cards to reveal them to me and I just laugh to myself as I turn mine over. He cusses completely audible to my ear as he slams his glass onto the table. A few droplets of alcohol splatter all over the wood making me cringe at the thought of having to clean it up.

"You're going to make a mess." I spit at him drawing another set of cards to my very drunk friend.

"Ah, what does it matter." He slurs. "You're acting like my mother."

"For fucks sake you got beer all over my playing cards what the fuck do you want me to say? Thanks for spilling your drink all over my shit?"

"That would be nice." He smiles. As annoyed as I was at his behavior I knew it wasn't really him so I calmly toss him his stack of cards before focusing on my draw. I only needed to win one more game before I could get twenty bucks from him. I was running low on money and I really needed to buy some more cigarettes. As shitty as it sounds, its what I am.

"I can't believe you're wasting my twenty bucks on your shitty little cigarettes." Louis reminds me after we finish the game. Of course, I won.

"You have your addictions I have mine." I say. "Mine just happen to be legal." I can't help but laugh as I walk away from the table and into the living room. My laptop is calmly humming, already open from trying to write something. Like everyday, nothing. Louis sauntered in after me with a green bill between his fingers as he placed it in my lap. I thanked him subtly and stacked my feet on the coffee table.

"Louis, where's the remote?" I holler into the kitchen. I hear some rustling, so I assume he was starting to make something to eat.

"Try the couch." He remarks.

"You don't think I haven't?" I rudely retort. I can just see him rolling his eyes behind him as I feel a hard hit to the head. A black television remote comes tumbling down to my thighs as I rub at the back of my neck. Louis passes behind me and reaches into the closet before the door.

"Where are you going?" I suspiciously question.


"It's five o clock and you're piss drunk. I can't let you drive." I say before rising from the couch and abandoning the TV and my computer.

"I'm fine." He sways his hands twirling his car keys around his fingers. It was already dark outside and if I didn't at least bring him to work he would be dead by morning for sure.

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