Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Isabelle's POV

"Hey Bella, how was your weekend?" Chris asked me as I passed the front desk. Chris was one of my best friends here minus Adrianne. He wasn't just a receptionist to me, he was more than a collegue too, he was one of my friends. He was much older than me but that didn't make him any less adorable. I would be lying if I didn't say he had some looks. He looked as if Liam Helmsworth and Danny Phantom had a love child.

In my first few weeks here it was awfully lonely, before I met Adrianne of course. Chris was one of the first to befriend me and when I would sit alone in the break room and munch on crackers from the vending machine. He would sit in front of me and stare at me until I said something. I was a bit more on the reserved side and didn't want to interact with others unless it costed something with my job. I guess making a few friends wouldn't hurt. Anyway, just in the past year he got happily married with a very nice woman who I had yet to meet but she sounded lovely. Ever since I gained my new position as VP life has gotten a bit more crazier and tense and we only had the time to share a little small talk.

"Lovely," I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "And yours?"

"What's with the tude?" Chris laughs.

"Lets just say I don't even remember half of it."

"What did Adrianne do to you?" He gawked.

"Bloody hell, Chris!" I giggled covering my mouth and squinting my eyes shut. "I got a bit carried away with alcohol and I woke up in said boys apartment."

"You mean to say you-"

"Honestly, I have no idea." I blushed madly as he smiled peevishly. He was just as bad as Adrianne when it came to embarrassing the living hell out of me.

"Well, yours was a bit more eventful than mine." He smiles back again but in a more calming manor.

"I'm sure."

"Isabelle, copy room, right now!" I heard a voice call for me from the hallway inside. A few people hustled by obviously rushing to their offices. The building seemed to have a looming casting of sadness as everyones head stayed in their notebooks.

"Duty calls," I smile back and he gives me a little wave before shooing me off. I tuck my folder of papers in my arm and make my way to my office where I place the coffee I picked up on the way on my desk. I placed the folder next to my little VP sign and a picture of my mother and I. She lived on the other side of the world than me so it wasn't very common that I got to visit. We were both very busy high class working woman. My father was a CEO of a corporation back in Arizona. I was very proud of them both, but that didn't stop me from missing them.

I tucked a stray hair that fell to my face behind my ear before rushing to make some copy's of the legal files I had worked on last night. I passed by a few people who nodded and gave me a little hello as I smiled timidly back.

I placed the first paper underneath the little lighted square and shut the top. I leaned against the machine as I felt it heating up and seething as the copy's came out after one another.

Adrianne peeked her head into the door and smiled before pulling her body all the way through the door.

"Hi," She says. I want to roll my eyes at her honestly, she had been up all night calling me late at night when I should have been sleeping. It made me cringe to the degree that she was so irresponsible. But she was my best friend and she was all I got.



"For what?" I asked my hands beginning to sweat at her sudden comment.

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