Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Isabelle's POV

"So are you excited for the banquet this weekend?" Adrianne quizzed me spinning herself deliriously in my leather chair. It was the Friday night before the banquet and I was practically knee deep in work. I was giving my huge proposal tomorrow evening and what even got me more stressed was I was going to be practically the only woman there without a date. Adrianne tried to coax me that it'll leave a "I don't need no man" sort of aroma but I think it'll just make me seem alone. All my life I never really worried about being on the arms of the man, but now that Adrianne seemed happily texting her own man I couldn't help but feel envious of her youth. Especially now that I was carrying a child.

"As excited as I can be," I shrugged typing up an email to send to Mr. Chelms. It was the last of my revisions on my proposal so he could make a final decision whether it was completely ready for tomorrow.

"Oh come on. Why don't you ask someone to go with you?"

"I'm already stressed about the presentation. I don't need an unknown man to make that anxiety any worse," I replied looking up from my computer after the message had sent.

"Why does he have to be unknown?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"What're you suggesting?" I looked at her confused, although I couldn't help but worry she was getting onto me about how I'd been seeing Harry. Well, I would exactly call it seeing. He texts me rude and sexual remarks, I've gone out to eat with him once, and I've gotten to the point where I can tolerate being with him in the same room for more than an hour.

"I thought you said you and Mr. Chelms were getting sort of close?" My heart sort of dropped as she spoke those words, in a way I wish she already knew about me and Harry. Then I wouldn't have to stress myself out about telling her. On the other side my stomach felt like lurching at the disgusting image of being my boss's date. It's a bit pretentious if you ask me.

"You're kidding right? Because that's exactly what I need on the day of my presentation. Loads of presenters calling me the gold digger for dating my boss. I can already see the headlines everywhere."

"You're being melodramatic." She rolls her eyes.

"All I'm saying is I'm perfectly happy flying solo - how about you? Shouldn't you be stressing about impressing Mr. perfect?" I mock. Adrianne hasn't stopped talking about the man who called her back after he left him in bed. Doesn't exactly sound like a perfect man to me, but to be true you don't find a lot of those around here.

"I'm trying to think positive. If I don't think about it, then I don't have to worry about it." She puts on a smile, I truly jealous of her positive thinking.

"I wish I could do the same," I sighed placing my hand over my stomach. The morning sickness had yet to subside, considering I've only been carrying the child for a good 4 weeks. Adrianne had tried to convince me to purchase a baby book that runs you through each month so I know what to expect, I guess she was tired of cleaning up my puke.

"Don't worry, sweetie. You'll be happy when its finally out. Just imagine carrying your own child, its all yours, not your parents, just yours."

"And how is that supposed to make me feel better?" I groan placing my head in my hands. I glanced at the clock on my computer and it was gaining on ten o' clock. I figured I just better stop by Mr. Chelms office to make sure he had gotten my email.

 "Stop worrying, your just at the start my friend." She gives me a comforting smile. "I better be off, Michael just texted me seeing if I wanted to grab a bite to eat." Michael was her mystery man, that I had yet to meet.

"Go off, live your princess life." I taunted. She playfully rolled her eyes kissing my cheek and pulling her jacket over her bare arms. She pulled her bright red hair out of her jacket and gave me a final goodbye. As she left the room I sat back in my seat, a bit startled a moment later when I heard my door creek open.

A mop of curly hair entered the room, nearly giving me a heart attack.

"What on earth are you doing here?" My eyes nearly popped out of my head as I watched him lean against the door.

"Admiring my baby's mother in her natural habitat." He spoke cheekily. I couldn't help but laugh as I pulled some hair out of my face and stood up from my chair.

"You can't be here," I warned. "What if Adrianne saw you?"

"Why don't you just tell her? I mean isn't she going to find out when my name ends up on that birth certificate?"

"I was sort of hoping to cross that bridge when it came." I sighed leaning on the opposite side of the doorway.

"Either way, I've come to release some stress of yours." He said walking into my office with a small manila folder of his.

"What is in that?" I questioned my tone a bit weary.

He fished his hand inside the folder to pull out a bag of sour patch kids and milk duds. For a second I swore he was going to pull out sex toys or something. My heart stopped racing as he gave me a smirk and tossed them on my desk.

"Oh come on, have a little faith." He laughed. His laugh was different, it was lighter.

"I'm sorry, its hard to have faith in a person when they walk into an office telling me they want to get rid of my stress with a folder." I laughed with him. "Sounds a bit cliché if you ask me."

"Louis said they were your favorites." It was weird, he almost seemed vulnerable as he said them. Harry Styles, actually doing something nice for me. I was almost appalled at the scene. None the less, I wasn't about to pass up some free candy.

"Well, he's correct. Pass me the milk duds will you?" I say. He throws them gently into my arms and I take a step forward to lean on my desk, he takes a seat in front of me opening up the sour patch kids and taking one out.

"Just for the record,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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