Chapter 11

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I know its been a while guys but my past two weeks have been hectic. I'm getting confirmed tomorrow, work as really taken off, I teach clinics now, I'm trying to get into National Honors Society, I'm trying to juggle this with an actual piece I'm writing, and most of all I got horribly sick this week and had to go to the hospital for testing and such to see what was wrong with me. So I apologize for my absence.. But I really need to know I'm not just doing this on a whim because NO ONE COMMENTS. It makes me really upset too because I used to get a lot of votes and for god sake one of my books has over 13,000 reads. Sigh. Please just help me out and vote...

Chapter 11

Izzy's POV

The familiar beeping of my alarm clock woke me up again from a long evening of tossing and turning. I couldn't imagine how dismantled my hair was or my make up for that matter. I didn't wear a lot, but mascara smeared all over my cheeks could have done the trick. I smoothed my brown wavy hair back into a manageable pony tail as I forced myself to get dressed.

Another fancy dress that wasn't worn enough for the price I paid was laid out onto my mattress. I couldn't help but admire the royal blue color. I happened to wear blue a lot lately. As I ran my fingers over the tight material I couldn't help but tear up at how I would no longer be able to wear that dress. For the next nine months I would be trapped in maternity clothing. As silly as it sounds, that scared me.

I shook the thoughts away as I slipped the cloth over my head and fitted the golden belt around the waste. I don't know if I was just becoming paranoid but as I fiddled with the belt buckle I couldn't help but feel the need to loosen the usual length I fastened it on.

"You're okay, Isabelle. You're just being paranoid as usual." I muttered to myself. I searched through my closet for my nude pumps and my beige trench coat. I buckled it up to the top and disappeared towards the bathroom in order to manage something about my appearance.

Reminisce of yesterdays make up wasn't as bad as I had first though so I quickly ran over my lips with a pinky lip stick and my eyes with a golden color. I grabbed my typical earrings. They were little snowflakes. I figured since Christmas was right around the corner, why not make my outfit a bit celebratory. I did my hair in a normal updo, Adrianne seemed to like it so I figured everyone else would. I made my way back into the kitchen already distracted by thoughts of the harrasment I would get by Chris.

After a few attempts at warming up a bowl of oatmeal the unsettling smell of the milk that I poured in sent my stomach into swirls. I needed to eat something so I could make sure I could keep it down. The doctor said the medication I would soon be taking in order to bring down the intesity of morning sickness would only help if I actually got some protein in my body. Like everything else in the world, I listened.

I finished the last scoop of oatmeal as my alarm began to buzz in my pocket book. I reached into it glancing at the screen. 'Start driving so you're not late' it read. I was getting a bit anoyed with the constant reminders on my phone so as I made my way into the car I made sure to turn them all off.

Red light after red light kept reminding me that I would soon have to be stuck in an office for a good 8 hours. The fact of Mr. Chelms getting back to me about my proposal made me a bit excited but nervous just the same.

As I pulled into the barren parking lot the feeling of gratitude that I was early like always settled me back into my normal routine. I grabbed my coffee from the compartment next to my thigh and grabbed my pocket book and folders. I paced myself towards the elevator where I was greeted by a smiling none other than my boss.

"Good morning, Isabelle. Feeling better?"

"Much. Thanks for asking." I answer plainly trying to juggle the folders in my arms.

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