Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Isabella's POV

The buzzing of my phone wakes me up from a long nap I was fortunate enough to achieve. I had just gotten back from a lengthy day at work and all I wanted to do was sleep. It seemed to me after last weekend I've been more sore and exhausted than anything. Or maybe it was just Adrianne got more into the fact I needed a boyfriend. Its not like Adrianne even had one either, she just had a different boy coming to her apartment every night. I wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't slept with our boss once or twice. Now that I think about it, she does seam a bit into the whole fact I should be sleeping with him.

I rubbed the sleep that had formed out of my eyes and got myself up from the couch. I was still in my work clothing. It consisted of a blue down dress with little black lines on the sides. I still even hadn't removed my black pumps. My hair was still tightly knotted into a bun and my make up was entirely done. I pulled myself from my sofa to make my way towards my bedroom to answer the beckoning call from what I assumed was my annoying friend.

I assumed correct.

I pressed answer and lifted it to my ear before yawning twice.

"Woah, hello sleepy."

"Something you need?"

"Do you have a minute?" She questions.

"Well seeing you just woke me up from my nap, sure."

"Can you do me a HUGE favor."

"What," I groaned.

"Can you make a quick pit stop at the grocery store to pick me up some pads?"

"Why can't you?" I whined looking at the time seeing it was gaining on six o clock.

"I have a date tonight, in line twenty minutes and if I don't have them by tomorrow I'll just die. Literally."

"You make this sound so dramatic." I teased pulling my hair out of a bun with one hand as I sat on the edge of my bed.

"Please, please, please. I'll take you out to dinner tomorrow, my treat. Anywhere you'd like." She begged. I honestly had no where to be at this point, I could just change into sweat pants and a sweatshirt and go to the store real quick. I was actually expecting my period soon so it wouldn't be a bad idea to stock up.

"Where do you want me to drop them off."

"My mail box?"

"Ew, Adrianne."

"They're in a package!"

"Watch the mail man come to your house and have a little womanly surprise."

"You make this sound so dramatic," She mimics me.

"Whatever, If it makes you shut up and I gain a free meal be my guest."

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

"Okay, have fun on your date, don't have too much fun." I tease.

"No promises. Thank you bells, Love you lots."

"You too. Good night."

"Night." I turned off my phone quickly before pondering whether or not I should change. I think a few people would judge me if I just walked into a grocery mart in a highly fancy dress and heels. So I decided against it.

I pulled on a baggy maroon sweatshirt from college and a pair of black yoga pants. I slipped on my ugg slippers before heading to the bathroom. My eyes were covered in black eye make up from the day so I took the liberty to remove the majority of it. I looked exhausted underneath all the act. I had bags underneath my eyes and my cheeks were paler than usual.

My stomach began to grumble as I soon realized I hadn't eaten anything all day besides a small granola bar for breakfast from a vending machine.

I stalked back into the kitchen, grabbed my car keys and headed out towards my driveway.

Twenty minutes later I was in line at a local drive through waiting for the lady to take my order. I got a hamburger and fries with a small soda. Instead of the woman I was expecting a teenage boy grinned at me widely before asking me politely for me to pay him. I nodded shyly before handing him a twenty dollar bill. He thanked me and let me go on my way. I chewed on a few fries as I rushed towards the grocery store just down the street. The sun was setting by now and a few street lights were already turning on. I yanked up my sweat pants and retied my hair up in its bun to make sure I didn't look completely terrifying.

When I entered the store it was relatively busy considering the holidays were rolling around. I recognized a few co workers from work and after picking up a few produce and a new package of pistachios I made my way towards the feminine products. I pulled my small cart to the side glancing across the isle to decided what kind she would want. I easily gathered my own things but continued to look for what Adrianne would want.

I was taken out of my trance of decisions as I heard a few things tumble from next to me. A man at least 18 years old sat on the floor with a few boxes of tampons sitting in his lap. His face was flushed as he throws them off of himself scaring the older lady behind him. He brushes his black pants off before meeting my eyes and grinning.

"Funny seeing you here," He continues to smile as he approaches me.

"Do I know you?" I say timidly. I hide the box of feminine items behind my back as he grins wider.

"Hm, hiding something are you?" He takes the box from behind my back and glances over the words. "You know I didn't strike you as a pads girl."

I gave him a disgusted look grabbing the box away from him and placing them in my cart. "There for my friend if you must know."

"You look different, Izzy."

"How do you know my name?" I stepped back a bit placing myself behind the cart to give us a little space.

"You were screaming it nearly a week ago."

"I take it you must be Harry," I blush madly pulling my cart a bit from him before he grabs onto it and pulling me forward.

"You take it? How can you not remember me? I was the first man who-"

"Stop right there," I squeak.

"What, I'm just having a little fun. Just remincing the incredibility of your body. I'm no harm to you, Izzy."

"My names not Izzy." I forcefully pull back from him which only sends his grin to be larger. "Why are you in the tampon section anyway." I speak a little bit more confidently.

"I was on my way to pick up some things."


"I'd be happy to add one more thing on my list," He winks coming from behind my cart to approach me.

"I would like to politely decline, thanks though."

"Let me know if you change your mind," He says flirtatiously before taking the pads box from my cart and pulling a pen from his pocket before encrypting some words right on it. My mouth is aghast, my eyes are wide open as he places it back in my cart and swipes my hip with his hand before walking from right behind me. Disgusted I grab the box from the cart and place it back on the shelf. Who ever got that box, I felt bad for. I frantically grabbed another before rushing towards the check out line and getting out of there as soon as possible.

I couldn't believe that was who I had slept with. More importantly, I can't believe I still don't remember it. I calmed myself down after getting back into my car and driving at a constant pace towards Adrianne's home. I was expecting her to be sharing some quality time with this mystery man beyond the doors of her home so I didn't dare to intrude.

I placed the box of pads into her mail box and got back into my car to finish off the hamburger I never got to eat. After taking one bite I already felt queasy and didn't want to take another. I made my way back home without another bite to eat and went straight to bed. I wasn't going to be ready to go back to work tomorrow.

After that encounter with Harry I wasn't going to be ready to go back to reality.

Author's Note:

Next Update Wednesday x


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