Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Harry's POV

"Nice to see you writing for once," Louis mocked as he swung his head in the doorway. His hands cradled a steaming cup of broth, which I assumed was for me.

"I felt inspired," I shrugged. "Not everyday I actually give a fuck for once." I try and laugh but Louis gives me a sour look as he places the soup onto the wooden desk.

"What are you writing about?" He pries, leaning his body onto the wood. It shifts a little which stirs my broth. I momentarily panicked for I didn't want it to drench my lap top in soup.

"Nothing that concerns you," I fire back slamming the top of my lap top down.

"How are you ever going to get published if you can't even allow your own roommate to read your god damn writing?"

"Its not nearly ready to be published," I defended lifting the bowl of broth to my lips. I took a quick sip, my lips twisting like a pretzel. "What did you put in this?"

"A few drops of lemon may have found their way into your soup." He dryly laughed. "Not my fault you forgot to make dinner again."

"Hey, you should be glad for fucks sake I'm writing again."

"And you know what would make me even more happy?"'

I didn't even reply, I knew he would tell me anyway. I spun around to meet his gaze and crossed my arms over my chest waiting for his response. He read my expression easily. Eye brows cocked, legs and arms crossed, and waiting for him to finally say something.

"If you worked things out with Isabelle." He teased, well at least I thought he was teasing. I don't know why he was so caught up in the whole Isabelle thing, I did what I had to do in order to not get arrested for having sex with a minor. Well, she would get arrested considering my age of eighteen. But hey, I was mature for my age.

"Why do you care anyway," I said, lifting my bowl from the table and leaving the room in search for a new bowl of something half edible. He was quick to follow behind me as I paraded into the kitchen, spilling the contents of the lemon infested soup and filling the bowl with some grapes that were left on the counter.

"She seems like a nice girl, you fuck up girls lives all the time, its about time you started caring."

"I fixed things with her, you happy?"

"Wow." He looked actually ecstatic. He perched himself on one of the stools in front of me as I picked and chose from my bowl of grapes. "What did she say?"

"God you're such a gossip girl." I groaned stuffing two grapes into my mouth. I swished them back and forth allowing the juice from the fruit to go down my throat. It felt nice, I hadn't realized how I hadn't let anything enter my body other than pure alcohol since yesterday when I visited Izzy. "Besides, that was yesterdays news. On better news I heard there's a new club opening this Friday- maybe we can go to that."

"As tempting as that sounds I actually have a date."

"Louis Tomlinson?" I nearly choked on my fruit. "A date?"

"I met her through work, she seems like a nice girl both in the personality and bedroom area."

"Boom goes the dynamite," I say sarcastically. "For a second I thought you were becoming soft." I laughed.

"You're gonna have to learn to be if your going to fucking raise a child,"

"I don't think you should use fucking and child in the same sentence," I mocked finishing off the bowl of grapes and fishing out my phone. "Besides, I never agreed to raising the god damn child. I simply said I would help her out when she needed it."

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