Chapter 4

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Scott was walking along the hallway of the school when Alexa run through him.

"Scott! Wait!" - Alexa

"Oh, hello?! Alexa right? Why? Do you need something?" - Scott

"No I just want to thank you for saving my life, are you free tonight? My father also want to give His thanks for saving me"
- Alexa

"Wait I'll check.... Um I don't have exams for tomorrow maybe I'm a little bit free tonight, why?" - Scott

"Can I invite you to our house? We have simple party and my father wants to personally thank you for what you've done, please I'll be expecting you'll come" - Alexa

"Okay, I'll try to come" - Scott

"Don't try, just come please." - Alexa

"Okay, okay I'll be there at 8pm" - Scott

"Thanks, see you later." - Alexa

When Alexa left Scott, Mark appears in site. Mark obviously jealous with Alexa.

"Hey dude is that Alexa? The last victim of that invisible man?" - Mark

"Yes? Why?" - Scott

"Nothing, I don't like her, stop befriending her because if you try to be close to her you will put your life in danger." - Mark

"What are you talking about?!" - Scott

"Don't ask any question again, just believe me stay away from her. " - Mark

"Look, you know you've been so weird for this past weeks, are you hiding something from me?" - Scott

"No!" - Mark

"Really? Are you sure? Because I can sense it mark! And time will come I will know your secret." - Scott

Then Scott left Mark with question on his face.

"No one would ever love you as much as I do Scott, i will kill anyone who try to take you away from me." - Mark

Mark was Scott's childhood friends, their families were close friend too, ever since Mark was hiding his true gender and feelings for his best friend, growing up his feelings grow too. Until they got into college.

At Scott's house.

Scott has arrive on his house, since Scott parents was died, Scott lives on his own
When he arrived he immediately unbutton his uniform and his abs shows. He opened his television and watch his favorite TV show. While watching he remember he was invited to Alexa's house.

He turned off the t.v and go to his room to change clothes when he heard a something that has been crack on his kitchen. He immediately go to the kitchen and was shocked by what he saw.

He saw his kitchen tools scattered along the floors their were plates, glasses that's turn into pieces. And when he was about to call emergency hotline something stab him in his back. He immediately face it but nothing to be found.

He called Alexa, but she was not answering.

"Who are you!! Are you the invisible man?! Show yourself!!" - Scott

"Hahaha!!!! You can't see me!!" - invisible man

"What do you need from me?! Do I did something wrong!" - Scott

"Yes!! You did many things that makes me Mad! Your family! Your dad! Your mom! And now you!!" - Invisible man

"What?! Who really are you! Do you know my mom and dad?! Show yourself to me!" - Scott

"I will in time! Haha!... It's pleasing to my ear when I heard your mother cried in tears when she saw me killing your father!!" - Invisible man

"What!!! Your the one who killed them?! My parents! Fuck you!! Show yourself! What did you do them? I thought they died in the car accident. I knew it that day that it wasn't. I'm not afraid with you! Let's fight don't hide on me!" - Scott

The invisible man throw a plate on Scott's body. Scott fell on the floor. But he was remain conscious nothing was more painful upon hearing that this invisible man is the one who killed his parents.

"After I killed your father I raped your mother before I killed her, I heard her moans whispering in my ears while crying forcing herself that she was not enjoying it. Everything was a frame up. After killing them I put them in a taxi. I killed also the taxi driver. I show myself to the car that was coming and boom he hits the taxi just like what I want it to be, so everybody will know that your parents died in a car accident." - invisible man

"How dare you!! Damn! Why?!" - Scott

"Hahha your an intelligent man Scott someday you'll knew it fr yourself" - invisible man

And again Scott was hitted by a large pan on his head that makes him unconscious, as he open his eyes the invisible man was gone, Mark was their helping him. He was now on his room. All trash were now clean.

"Where is he?!" - Scott

"Who is he?!" - Mark

"The invisible man! I will kill her" - Scott

"What?! His here?!" - Mark

"He killed my parents Mark! He killed them! I hate him, I will do anything to know who he really is." - Scott

Invisible Man Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ