chapter 19 - SPG

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Scott answer Alexa's call. It was late night then.

"Why did you call? I thought were okay now." - Scott

"That's what I want to tell myself Scott, but still I can't stop thinking of you. Why are you doing this to me?!" - Alexa

"I thought you understand it already, Alexa stop thinking of me, you only made it worst for both of us" - Scott

"I saw you with Britney in the café. Are you dating her?" - Alexa

"I will return the question to you saw you with that guy your holding with are you dating him?" - Scott

"You did not answer my question! Answer me first!" - Alexa

"I'll answer you when we meet. Not now Alexa I'm sleepy. Look at the clock it's past midnight already" - Scott

"Fuck Scott! Your always hurting me. I need answers I'll be in your house in 30minutes." - Alexa

"Alexa can we talk about it tomorrow it's late now it's dangerous to go out this late. Please go to sleep" - Scott

But Alexa has decided already and nothing can stop her. She didn't tell her dad and go to Scott's house.

Scott heard the doorbell he know that it was Alexa.

When he open the door Alexa immediately slap his face but then misses each other and kiss each other.

Scott responded to Alexa's kiss. It was passionate, they miss each other's kiss they were hungry to touch each other's body.

Scott forget that Alexa was still a virgin. He kisses Alexa's body. From her lips down to her neck and undress her. He also touches Alexa's boobs and leave a kiss to it.

Alexa also undress Scott's shirt. She was ready to let Scott in to her. She was amazed by Scott's muscular body. He was handsome to Alexa's eyes.

They found themselves naked in Scott's room. When Scott remember that they should not doing this. Scott wear his clothes on. Alexa was questionable.

"Again? Do you not love me?" - Alexa

"Not that I love  you, I told you I don't want to take it not until your on the right age and your prepared." - Scott

Instead Scott embraces Alexa, kiss her on her nape and let her embrace him they sleep together. No more talking, they understand each other. All questions are answered already by their actions.

Until the morning comes. Alexa wake up on her room. She was surprised and questionable how did she get here.

Are all those that happen was just a dream??

She misses Scott to much that she was dreaming about him lately. All that had happen was all in her mind.

She cried remembering all the memories with Scott.

1 day to go is her debut party. But she was not excited about it. She was sad that everything that she's expecting was now gone.

She looked at her gowns and invitations. She missed to put Scott and Britney their.

Again she cried that she's missing two of her closest friends.

She decided to call Britney. And ask her to come to her house.

Britney was happy hearing about it.

Hour passed. Britney knock on their door. Alexa open it and welcome her with hug. They misses each other. It was quiet and only their breathing was heard.

They don't need to talk it was seen on their action that they forgive each other.

The best friends are back. Now Alexa lessen her pain. At least Britney was now their to help her ease her problem.

Her shoulders to cry on.

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