chapter 13

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The police called Scott.

"We had a report, a car was saw in a street driving by itself nearby a convenient store. They say that it was going somewhere on the forest." - Police officer

"Thank you for the information." - Scott

Scott asked Sara.

"Do you know where he might be going?" - Scott

"Yeah! Nicholas always bring us to a house hidden in the forest. I remember it." - Sara

" OK let's go! " - Scott

While on the way Scott can't stop himself to ask Sara. Was his dad get married to her.

"Did dad and you get married?" - Scott

"I.." - Sara

Sara didn't replied. The whole trip was in silent. Until they found out the place. They hide themselves.

"Stay close to me Sara" - Scott

"Don't worry Scott I know my son, he will not hurt me" - Sara

They use the other side of the door to get inside the house.
There was two doors in the main entrance and in the back which was located on the dirty kitchen.

When they managed to get in. They've search the place, looking for Alexa. Scott found Alexa on a room. Scott almost cried when she saw Alexa.

Alexa was pale, lots of bruises in her face. Scott was pitied. He try to untangled the tie when suddenly the door slammed.

He knew that the invisible man was their.

"What did you do to Alexa?!" - Scott

"I just played her, look I'm bored. Your so slow." - Pete

"I had with me your mom, Pete!" - Scott

"What?!! Where is she!!" - Pete

"Downstairs!" - Scott

Scott knew that the invisible was gone. So he manage to escape alexa now. It was quick. While on the other hand Pete saw his mother. But his mother doesn't see him.

"Mom?!" - Pete

"Son? Are you there? Oh my gosh son I don't know what happen to you?" - Sara

Sara almost cried with tears even though he doesn't saw her son she knew that he was there.

"What did you do son?! You killed people?! Enough with this son!" - Sara

"No mother! Sorry, but they all need to pay all those things they did to me. I'm tired of being hidden. Tired of sacrificing everything." - Pete.

While they were talking Alexa and Scott was now on the car. Scott started the engine, Pete heard it. So he immediately ran toward them.

And trying to stop them. Sarah tried to stop Pete from stopping them.

They ran fast. When the engine didn't start. They were in the cliff. Scott was carrying Alexa. And Pete were following them together with Sara following pete.

Sara had out balance and fall into the cliff. She was holding a rock.

"Pete! Help me!!" - Sara

"Mom?!!" - Pete

"Hold on!!" - Pete

"I can't hold on anymore Pete! I'm sorry" - Sara

"No mom.. No!! Don't stop holding I will help you get out!" - Pete

But her mom can't hold anymore she fell. Out of the cliff to the river.

"Mom!!!!" - Pete

Pete can't stop himself but cried. He saw how her mother died. He accused Scott for this if he don't escape her mother will not followed him. He was so angry! Very mad to Scott.

But now Scott was out of sight. He managed to escape with Alexa.
Police are now coming, but nobody saw him.

Scott carried Alexa home. He doesn't know what happen to Sara but he felt something was not right. Sara became a mother to him for a quite days.

Scott take care Alexa. He change Alexa's clothes and relieve her bruises. Alexa was still unconscious.

Scott was still crying besides Alexa. He was crying that Alexa has suffered because of him.

Hour passed. Alexa awakes. When she open her eyes she saw Scott, she immediately hug him. She was surprised and happy. Nothing would be happier than a girl who get back home safe.

"It's the second time you save my life Scott, thank you!" - Alexa

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry that you suffered because of me" - Scott

"Don't accused your self Sshh.." - Alexa

And Alexa kissed Scott on his lips. Scott was so happy that Alexa was safe now.

Scott called Alexa's father to tell him that Alexa was now safe.
He knew that Alexa's father will separate them. But if this was the best for Alexa even if it hurts it's okay.

After an hour Alexa's dad arrived and now ready to get Alexa.

Alexa immediately hug her father. She misses her father so much. She almost cried. Knowing that her father was now facing her.

She doesn't know that this will be the last time that she will saw Scott..

This was a goodbye for Scott and Alexa.

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