chapter 17

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It was mark's burial day and his parents. Scott was busy preparing for all who wants to give their sympathy.

This is the day, Scott was sad that he needs to bid goodbye. Many people are there, family, friends of mark was there.

On the last part Scott needs to face the crowd for his eulogy.

"Hi I'm Scott, Mark was my best friend, his family was so kind to me, his parent was like my parents too, when mom and dad was gone they've been my second family, they are always their for me whenever I need them. This past few weeks they get mad at me, because I put their son's life in danger. To Tito and tita I'm so sorry.. I...I miss you you said that you will take care of me but now your gone to, you left me but I understood I just want to say sorry for the bottom of my heart. I felt sorry for everything, your not supposed to die, I promise that I will take the revenge for you, whoever did this to you I promise that he will pay for it. And to Mark, my best friend. You leaved me. You know I may not loved you the way you loved me but still I care for you. You said you love me but now how can you give your love to me when now your dead.

I am missing you Mark, even though I want you back I know your in good hands now. Thank you for everything mark, for making me understand things, to enlighten me whenever I'm in a wrong path for helping me deciding on things I can't decide.

Please if ever your with my parents right now say hi to them for me. Thank you for all of you who were here today and joining me in remembering marks life. I know their family was happy now. Let's pray for them. Thank you" - Scott

Everyone was touch by his speech, after Scott speech they decided now to bury them. He almost cried in tears, at least green was there to help him ease the pain.

When everyone was now leaving Scott saw a man in a hood. He immediately run towards him but the man run. He knows it was the invisible man.

After the burial, Scott decided to go home. He was so tired. He needs extra sleep it's been a week and he needs to go to school also, he needs to catch up on his lessons. He has a lot of absences.
Green take care of everything, he knows Scott need him. He paid for the bills. Electric, water and also the burial. Scott has still money on the bank, before his parents died they have savings for Scott's studies.

The day end and another day comes.

It was a pleasant morning. It was a good day to start. Scott was awaken by his alarm. Green prepared his breakfast before he left.

Scott was thankful he remember that he wasn't able to give thanks to Green and also they should now preparing their plan for stopping the invisible man. But before that he needs to fix his studies.

After preparing his needs, showering, eating breakfast he was now ready to go to school.

He was walking alone when he bumped to a girl.

He was nervous, he doesn't know what to do and to say. Sudden electricity hit him. It was Alexa his facing too. They stare on each other. No one wants to talk first. They were both in pain.

All that has happen comes back to Alexa's mind. Instead of saying something Alexa left him without anything to say.

Scott was stuck there. He wants to talk to Alexa and explain but he knows it's not the right time. All he do was let her go.

He comes back to reality and look at his watch and was shocked he was late. So he run to his classroom.

Alexa go to Britney. Alexa told her what she saw. And what has happened. Alexa misses Britney. They bond each other.

They were happy catching up on the days that was wasted. They were talking when Andrew came close to them.

Britney was nervous, it was Andrew the one she had a night stand with and there was Alexa sitting beside her.

"What are you doing here!" - Alexa

"I want to see you! Let's go" - Andrew

"I don't want to be with you so leave us now!" - Alexa

"No Alexa I will not leaving you!" - Andrew

"Andrew dont you get it I don't like you why is it hard for you to understand huh? It's easy are you dumb? I repeat I DONT WANT YOU! I DONT LOVE YOU!" - Alexa

"You heard Alexa, now leave my best friend!" - Britney

"You call her best friend after what we did? But honestly your good!" - Andrew

Britney was nervous very nervous upon hearing what Andrew said.

"Britney? What did you do? Tell me what did you two did?!" - Alexa

"It was nothing Alexa!" - Britney

"Nothing? It was nothing for you? I thought you love it. Your a good kisser and a good dancer." - Andrew

"Oh my God! Britney?! What happened?! Had you sex with this guy?! Of all Britney. Why did you do this?" - Alexa

"I'm so sorry alex, sorry I can't fight it, he makes me feel loved, makes me feel like a princess that time, but believed me I regret everything that has happen." - Britney

"Enough I don't want to hear your lies. I'm tired of being fooled. You two are meant for each other so it's better that you too be with each other! You are all the same, Liars!!" - Alexa

Then Alexa left them both.

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