chapter 10

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Mark was still driving looking for some place he thinks the invisible man go. The car was so fast that he didn't see that there was a car in front of him. Until he bumped to it.

On the other hand. Scott managed to stand after he was punched out so hard. He didn't know what to do. He called the police to help him. The police immediately responded.

He also called Alexa's dad. Alexa's dad was so mad at Scott why did he let this happen. He was worried to his only daughter.

Someone called to Scott after his conversation with Alexa's dad.
It was from hospital, mark was in critical condition.

Scott was now feeling empty he don't know what to do, both of his friends was on the stake of critical condition. He stand in the corner of the house and just stare. He was about to cry when the police came.

The police bought him to the police station to get information from him.

At the police station.

"What happen? Can you state it to us?" - police officer

"The invisible man showed up, he punch me so hard so I passed out. Then he gets Alexa and bought to somewhere, mark followed them that's when mark put himself in danger. Please help me!" - Scott

"Don't worry will do our best to tracked them" - police officer

Scott's phone was ringing, someone was calling him, he answered the phone and it was him.

"Hihihi.. Hi Scott! You want to hear Alexa's voice??" - invisible man

"Where are you?! You fucked! Where's Alexa?" - Scott

"Scott!! Scott! I'm here, help me please!.. Help! He..." - Alexa's voice

"How dare you! What did you do to her?!" - Scott

"Ah.. Ah.. Haha.. If you still want to see her, there's in exchange, look for Sara Vasquez for me." - invisible man

And the call was stopped.

"Hello?! Hello?! Fuck you!" -Scott

"We tracked him sir it's from an abandoned building in De paro St." - police officer

They immediately prepare themselves and go to the site. After 30 minutes of travelling they found the site. They've search for the invisible man but there was no one their even Alexa. But they found some note.

I know your going to track me
After that call but I'm more intelligent to you.

Scott punch the wall so hard. He was so mad at himself that he wasn't able to protect Alexa from him. And also mark. He feel dumb for making mark put into this critical condition.

He was so disappointed and frustrated. The day was gone and it was now in night. He go to the hospital to look for Mark.

When he arrived to the hospital he found mark's parents. Mark's mother welcoming him with slapping his face.

"Look what you've done to our son! How dare you show yourself to us here! Shame on you! Do you know the word respect?! You put our son's life in danger! Now leave!!!" - mark's mother

"Do not show your face to us!" - Mark's dad

Scott left the hospital. And decided to go home.

When he arrived at his house he remember everything that has happen a while ago, it was quick all was unplanned.

He almost cried in pain and ask God why.

"Why are this happening to me?! Why!! First my parents now my friends!! What did I do?!" - Scott

Scott fall asleep in his sala.

While on the other hand. The invisible man bought Alexa to some hidden house away from the city it was hidden in forest.

"Where are we?" - Alexa

"It's our house, me and my family used to live here years ago." - invisible man

Alexa look all picture frame and on one of it he saw Scott's father. He asked the invisible man about it.

"Don't touch anything of it! And don't asked!" - invisible man

He grabbed Alexa's hair and warned her not to touch any single item and not to ask information about him. And he ordered Alexa to take off her clothes.

"Take away your clothes and dance!" - invisible man

"I don't want to! Who are you to order me that!" - Alexa

The invisible man punched her on the stomach and grab her hair and bought her to the water dam and their he tried to drown Alexa's face. Alexa can't hold her breath anymore. She cried of pain. That's why she agreed to the invisible man.

She stripped all her clothes, and dance like a goddess but she was force too, she cried while dancing. The invisible man was watching her and enjoying his view.

"Your a great dancer, if you didn't know I had a name and not only invisible man. I'm Pete." - invisible man

"Okay enough of it!, I'm tired and want to go to sleep." - Pete

Pete trying to tie Alexa's hand and cover her mouth with a tape he also tie Alexa's feet. Alexa was still naked. But Pete gave him a robe to cover her body. Alexa can't fight her tears and she almost cried until she falls asleep. She can't fight Pete because she can't see it. She only hears him.

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