chapter 15

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Scott awakes and was surprised by what was written on the curtains of his room.

A life for a life. I will kill one of your friends!

Scott immediately seek for the one who made this, he looked all around the house but nothing to be found.

He called Mark's parents but no one was answering. He called Alexa's dad but he also did not respond.

He was nervous, he drives quickly going to hospital. But he was stuck in traffic. He called Mark's parent but no one was answering.

He was mad at his self if something not good again will happen to his best friend. He need to do something, this must be stopped.

He gets irritated so he decided to get out of his car and just walk to the hospital, he left his car in the middle of the traffic. It was raining then.

He was on a hurry before something might happen. Hour passed
He arrive in the hospital. He look for the room of Mark and was shocked when he saw many people there. There is a nurse, a doctor.

He was nervous he thinks Mark is dead. He was walking near to the room there he finds someone's crying.

His tears fell down to his eyes. All of their memories flashing back to him. It was the most painful day for him

Until he looked again and clear out what he saw. It's a different people out their, he was mistaken, he thought it was Mark's family but it wasn't.

He immediately go to the information desk and asked where was Mark go.

"Ma'am where's the patient in room 204 go? He was admitted last week. His name was Mark Ferrer." - Scott

"Oh his been dismissed a while ago." - Nurse

"Thank you" - Scott

He feel relieved, but in contrary he was still nervous because he still doesn't know if Mark was now safe.

He called Mark's phone. And Mark answer it.

"Mark! It's Scott please take care of yourself someone might kill you." - Scott

"And when did you realize to have concern with me? Scott I don't believe you now. I can handle myself" - Mark

"Believe me! If your still upset I'm sorry but you have to be prepared." - Scott

Mark end up the call. Scott was upset that mark wasn't listening.

He knows something might happen to him.

On Mark's house.

mark was still in the room. And his parents was on downstairs. When mark heard his mother scream. He was in shocked and nervous. He knows there was a uninvited visitor that has come in.

He tried to hide himself. He slighlty open his room but he doesn't saw anything. It was dark then. He was taking care with his foot steps when he goes down he saw his parents lying in the floor. Dead.

He wants to scream but he force not too. He cried and cried but decided to seek for a place to hide. He think of hiding in the kitchen also to get some knife to protect himself.

When he was in the kitchen he heard a voice.

"Hi Mark! You can't see me but I can see you!" - invisible man

"Who are you?! And where are you?!" - Mark

"You will be the exchange of my mother's life!" - invisible man

"Why?! Whaa..t did I did I do to you" - Mark

Mark was so scared. That he was pee on his pants.

"You did not do anything but your friend does!" - Invisible man

And the invisible man strangle mark's neck. Mark can't breath but he remember that he has a knife his trying to stab the one who strangled him.

He tried to escape and hides to his room. He hide in his cabinet.
He hears his footstep. He was still praying for his safety, he was trying to call Scott. But Scott doest responding.

He was in death life situation. He was nervous and scared. He was sweating. He was in silent.

"Where are you?! If I see you I will kill you! Haha..," - invisible man

And the cabinet was being open. Blood run out of it. Mark was stabbed by knife.

The invisible man left the scene unfolded. He called the police to let them know about the incident.

While Scott was still on the way to Mark's house. He checked his phone and saw that Mark was calling him 15mins ago. He called him back but no one is answering..

Scott has arrived to the crime scene, he was late. Police and investigator was there already. Scott immediately go inside the house and he fell in ground when he saw the 3 dead bodies.

He cried and cried. He is asking for some medics, an ambulance or a nurse but no one was responding all they did was to stop him and comfort him. While others was only gossiping.

He scream in tears.

"AHH!!!!!... WHY THEM?!" - Scott

And everything was in unison. Medics came, the police asking for his testimony.

Another night that was in pain. He don't know what to do anymore with his life. He was cursing the invisible man for this.

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