chapter 7

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@ Mr. Stewart house

Scott and Alexa open the door. They found out that their was a stair to go down. They go through the stair it was a high stair until they saw another door.

Alexa open the last door and saw a large laboratory.. Scott found out that this was his dad's laboratory. He knew it because his dad always told him a story about what he wants to invented.

Their were so many experimented things their. Scott found some documents about the invisible man.

And a letter to Mr.Stewart.

Dear Mike Stewart

I found out what we needed to perform the greatest experiment of our life. All we need now is a human who would agree with our experiment. Who will give up his life for an experiment that will test his body.

Yours truly,
Nicholas Summer

"So it's true your parents and Mr. Stewart perform an experiment to this guy who was now the invisible man" - Alexa

"We need more information, Alexa!" - Scott

Someone called Alexa, it was Britney's parents. Britney had an accident.

"Scott i, I need to go, sorry I don't want to interrupt you but can you drive me to the hospital?, Britney had an accident." - Alexa

"It's okay, I'll drive you, let's take it other time." - Scott

Scott drive Alexa to the hospital. Alexa immediately go to Britney's room. There she found out that Britney got her head injured.

"What happened to you?" - Alexa

"I don't know, I don't remember anything" - Britney

Police came out and deliver some letter to Scott.

Scott if you continue to search for me, I will kill all that was close to you.

"Oh my God! Who was that?" - Britney

"That's the invisible man" - Alexa

Scott left them in the hospital and immediately drive home he was really mad with the invisible man. He used his laptop and search for someone. Until he remember something, a scratch the one alexa said.

He remember that he found out it with Mark. His best friend. He left his house and knock on Mark's house. He was really angry.

When Mark open the door Scott punch him Immediately.

"Are you the invisible man?!!" - Scott

"Why would I be that person?!" - Mark

"Who else would it be? I saw your pictures with Mr. Stewart, your scratches and Alexa your mad at him!!" - Scott

" I'm not the invisible man!, I swear! Yes I'm mad at Alexa bec.. Because.. I like you Scott! Since we're high school!. And I'm jealous at her because even if you don't say it I know your starting to like her already." - Mark

"What!! Your a gay! Why didn't you tell me this?! I trusted you! How about the scratch?!" - Scott

"I told you before it was itches, an insect bites but you don't believe me." - Mark

"I don't believe you anymore! Starting today I don't want to see you!" - Scott

And Scott left Mark with punches on his body and face. Nothing beats on a feeling of anger. Scott was very disappointed by himself he knew that this invisible man was nearby and trying to fool him. Teasing his feelings.

He was feeling betrayed when he found out what Mark confessed to him.

Late midnight.

Scott can't get to sleep. He was still thinking what Mark has reveal. alexa's revelation and what he know about this invisible man.

He get up on his bed and open his laptop. And the door open.
Scott knew the invisible man was their.

"I knew you were their! Cmon show yourself to me! What did you want from me?! What did I do to you to punished me! Who are you?" - Scott

"Stop searching for me, I no longer exist at this world, look I had no body so why are you thinking that I'm one of your friends?" - invisible man

"I was being subjected by your parents and Mr. Stewart, they promise me that I will have an extraordinary life when I become invisible. The experiment succeeded. I knew it they were great. At first I was happy I can walk through anything but days passed I want to go back to my normal body but they can't grant my wish. They can't think of a way how can I get back! I get mad!! So mad! That's why I killed them all. First your parents then Mr Stewart.. I don't know what to do so I think of something better with this powers I used it to fullfill my hidden desire. I want to get girls body, feel their inside. I want to have sex with any girls. Then I saw that girl walking alone, I made what I want but I knew you were there so I stopped it." - invisible man

"Thats Alexa, how can I stopped you! You know that this would not be good for you! Everything you've done must be payed for. In return you will be punished!" - Scott

"You cannot stop me unless you can give my body back! And I'm enjoying it right now with this power I can do anything" - Invisible man

"You know that this will not lasts, everything has its end, I will make you pay for everything you've done!!" - Scott

And the invisible man left him.

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