chapter 5

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I'm still thinking who was this invisible man, those words that keeps repeating in my mind, he killed my parents.

It was a good day to drive and go to police station and ask about my parents case. I need answers.

Scott was determined to know who was the person behind this invisible man and what would trigger him to kill his parents. There are lots of questions that bothering Scott.

He open the engine of his car and drive it going to the police station.

Police Station

"Hi I'm Scott, Im the son of Nicholas and Gina Summer the one who died in the car accident." - Scott

"Oh your Mr. Summer's son, what can I do for you?"- Police officer

" I need to see those pictures of their case, I think their was mistake about their case, someone killed them and not just an ordinary car accident" - Scott

"Scott it's been a year ago that case was closed now. And we did our investigation and it seems that their was no clue of murder their" - Police officer

"Please!, I need to see their files, believe me I know their was something their!" - Scott

"Okay this files are confidential, follow me. Don't tell anyone that I give it to you." - Police officer

Then Scott followed the police officer to the room where all files are hiding. Then they search the file of Nicholas and Gina Summer case.

It was hidden in a long brown envelope. The officer gave it to Scott, and when Scott open it he examined those pictures.

He was shocked at what he saw, their was a man standing on the corner and was wearing a jacket with shades. It was weird when everybody was trying to see his parents gossiping in the picture and his the only one who was on the corner.

He gave the files back to the police, he needs more clue, he asked for all the files who has been victim of the invisible man.

The police gave 3 files. After his parents death that's the start of crimes involving the invisible man.

1st case was Mr.Stewart a family friend of their family. He was Mr. Nicholas work mate. He was killed in his own house.

2nd case was Anna one of his neighbor. And was killed along their Street

3rd case was Alexa who was stabbed by a knife. And fortunately survive it.

All of the victims were surprisingly connected to him. Except Alexa.

Now Scott had a clue, that this invisible man was a friend or a neighbor who was connected with his family. Their are lots of information now on Scott's head. His mind will get explode after all the information he gets just only for a day.

"Thank you Sir for all of this, it will help me to know who was this invisible man" - Scott

"No problem, just inform me about this we are trying too, determine who was this invisible man. We don't want another victim suffer because of him" - Police Officer

"Don't worry sir if I had a clue I will tell you, thank you" - Scott

And Scott left the police station.

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