Chapter Four

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"Silverkit, Mistykit, and Dawnkit, you are condemned to the elders den for two moons for being willful, deceitful, and completely neglectful of WindClan's boundaries and our rivalry between them." Softwing paused to take a breath, it did take a lot of breath to say that, " Do you three have anything to say for yourselves because if I was leader, I would put of your apprentinceship off for at least another two moons."

Mistykit, like her other sisters shyed away from thier mothers stares after glaring at Silverkit for getting them into this trouble.

Softwing paced the room angerly, whiping her tail into Flamestar's face on every turn. Flamestar let out a sigh and said, "Softwing, my daughter, let me handle this."

Softwing sat down and stared daggers at her kits.

Flamestar asked them, "How much do you want to become apprentinces?"

Mistykit's eye opened wide and she exclaimed, "Of corse I do!"

Silverkit and Dawnkit agreed with her, nodding their heads as Flamestar continued, "We have Swiftstar and Acornwind of WindClan here. They are standing right outside, waiting for an apology. i want you three to go out there and start apologizing from breaking into their camp and scaring a WindClan warrior half to death."

"Do we have to?," Dawnkit complained, Silverkit and Mistykit shot her a look, while Mistykit thought, Dawnkit, you fish-brain! This is your leader that you're talking to."

Flamestar pushed them out, saying, "None of that Dawnkit, go out and apoligize, you three!"

Mistykit skidded on her paws and serched the clearing. sitting outside of the nursery, were two wiry cats t hat had a rabbity scent sticking to their pelts.

Mistykit glaced warily behind her for an escape route, and say Softwing sitting in front of the nursery entrance.

Seeing the kits, Swiftstar stood up. she was a very young leader, she became leader three moons ago. Swiftstar glared at them and said, 'Well?"

They stared at her, then Mistykit remembered: They were suposed to apoligize.

The kits stood there dumbfounded. Mistykit shock a glance at Dawnkit and Silverkit, and saw that they didn't remember of they didn't want to that they were soppused to apoligize.

Mistykit stepped forward and felt the WindClan cats eyes on her. She dipped her head and tried to stedy her trembling paws.

"My sisters and I," She began, "are extreamly (no pun intended) sorry that we trespassed on WindClan territory and frightened a WindClan warrior half to death."

At this comment Acornwind turn pale and scuffed the ground with one windblown paw, embaressed.

Mistykit felt Swiftstar's muzzle on her head and she said, "Rise, young one." And Mistykit rose and looked at Swiftstar, who called out to Flamestar, "We will be leaving now."

Acornwind sprang to his paws and jumped through the entrance. He poked his head back though and asked, "Are you c-c-c-coming?" his voice stumbled, like a ThunderClan cat trying to swim. Mistykit could see Dawnkit trying not to laugh at his voice until Silverkit kicked her.

"I will be there in one moment," Swiftstar replied, turning back to Mistykit.

"I would think that you might take this as funny," she paused before she said funny, leaving Mistykit to wonder if she had ever heard the word before.

"You know that warrior, the one you scared" half to death"," Mistykit nodded, wondering if she was that warrior.

"That," lowering her voice, "was Acornwind."

Mistykit replayed the scene agin in her head. The warrior- no, Acornwind stumbling, and stuttering," in-in-intruders." Mistykit could very well belive this.

Swiftstar said a goodbye to the, and raced to the tunnel, her long legs eating up the ground.

Softwing commented after they had left, "Well, that Acornwind seems like such a brave cat. He probobly isn't afraid of anything."

After she said that, they nearly died laughing.

Warrior Cats Fanfiction: Omens of the Wild Book 1 The KitsWhere stories live. Discover now