Chapter Nine

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Dawppaw swiped at Rushpaw and then leaped on Troutpaw and turned around and caught Rushpaw's legs from under her.

Trout paw and Rushpaw flew through the air and landed on Dawnpaw with a tump, but Dawnpaw rose up and landed on the ground

"Enough!" Tanglebrooke called and walked away.

Dawnpaw scrambled to follow him, and the rest followed.

Approaching a quiet delta of water, Dawnpaw leaped in and laughed how the others shreiked when they felt the spray of water

Once all three apprentinces were knee-deep in water Tanglebrooke climbed in and resumed the place of order.

"First thing we shall do is to learn the underwater hind sweep."

He motioned to Rushpaw, and told Dawnpaw and Troutpaw to watch underwater.Dawnpaw sucked in a big gulp of air and thrust her head under the water, feeling calmer, as if she was bad in Susan's–

"No!" she told herself furiously, "Softwing's belly."

Her eyes opened, and she could see pretty clear despite the murky water.

Tanglebrooke lifted his hind leg, a swiftly dragged it through the water, swiping Rushpaws paws from beneath her.

When she resurfeced, water dripping from her whiskers she exclaimed wildly, "Wow! lets do that again."

Tanglebrooke paired the two sisters together while Troutsplash was left with him.

Rushpaw and Dawnpaw practiced freely, then Rushpaw turned their attention to Troutpaw."

Trout paw was a hopeless fighter, and he was floating in the water, Tanglebrooke yelling in his ear.

Rushpaw's head slid beneath the water, leave a trail of bubbles in her way.

Through the murky water Rushpaw was swimming back to her.

Dawnpaw lept upon Rushpaw, who toppled and turned out too be Troutpaw.

Dawnpaw opened her mouth to ask where Rushpaw had gone, but Troutpaw held his tail over her mouth and motioned to be quiet.

Rushpaw swam to Tanglebrooke's hind leg, the one where he had, as he called, "an old war wound."

Dawnpaw exhaled, not noticing she was panting.

"Rushpaw must've grabbed his leg," she thought.

resembling a xing fish

"Oh," Tanglebrooke was moaning, "all ThunderClan cat has cone it, I'm done for!" He walked like a kit left alone in the nursery.

Dawnpaw waded through the water and looked at him more closly, she twiched her whiskers.

"Um, Rushpaw," Troutpaw asked from behind her, "Are you okay?"

She turned to Rushpaw who was resembling a dying fish.

"Come Quick!" Came a voice, Iceleap pushed through the bushes and urgently said, "ShadowClan!"

Warrior Cats Fanfiction: Omens of the Wild Book 1 The KitsWhere stories live. Discover now