Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Brooke, this chapter was sooooooo wrong XD lol

Silverpaw was sitting on a flat rock looking over the Clans territorys. She had found that place as a kit and it was quite a good place to think.

"Silverpaw!" came a call from below her rock.

Silverpaw looked down and fell off her rock. It was Bramblepaw!

Silverpaw scrambled off the rock and walked up to hum.

"How did you find this place Bramblepaw? and do you want to talk to me?"

"No, I just thought you might me lonly, you seemed really distracted when you, Mistypaw, and Dawnpaw came back from the patrol. In fact, all of you seemed distracted. Is everything all right?"

Silverpaw nodded listlessly, thinking, should I let him know?!!

Bramblepaw noticed her thoughts, and said understandly, "Let's get back to camp."

Silverpaw followed him and they padded across the lakeshore with a wave splashing their paws every moment, he asked to go for a swim.

As Silverpaw plunged into the freezing water, she worked her hind legs and miscevosly ducked underwater and swam towards Bramblepaw.

Springing upward, she hooked his hind leg wish a curved sweep of a paw. He went underwater and she held him sown playfully. She thought, he's such a good fighter! and at that moment, he dragged her underwater.

They played like that before hitting the back and licking each other.

"It's almost sundown," Silverpaw said disapoedlly, "We better get going.

As she started walking, Bramblefaw bounded up to her and said "That was really fun, what do you think?"

"I think it was amazing," se replied, looking into his shiny, bright green eyes. As they walked step by step, his muscles flexed as if getting ready for battle.

A bush started rattling up ahead and the two of them stopped and stood tensly. Dawnpaw burst out of the bushes, her eyes lighting up wildly like all of ShadowClan was on her tail.

Silverpaw jumped backwards, narrowly missing her.

"Dawnpaw!" she started.

Dawnpaw didn't give her a chance to talk.

"Badger!" she screamed, "Badger!"

Thats when the smell hit her. The scent came form behind her and Silverpaw slowly turned around. Rising up like a lion, the huge black and white creature bared its sharp, yellow teeth.

Silverpaw made eye contact and imeditly dove towards Bramblepaw. Behind her, the badgers paws hit the ground, making the earth quake. Silverpaw stole a look at where she used to be and flinched. The ground was a mass of craters and snapped twigs, flattened within an inch of their life.

As Silverpaw pressed against Bramblepaw, she felt his warm breath tickled in her ear. The badger roared and reared up on its hind legs.

"Stop!," came the commanding voice.

Silverpaw looked up and saw Ferntail, Curlfeather, and Pinewater starting at the top of the hill.

"Apprenti ces," Pinewater callled, "get into those bushes and stay."

On comand, they crept into a thorn bushes and went deep into the brambles.

Gowling, they leaped on the badger, tearing and leaping. They circled it and the badger lumbered around, trying to fond one cat to attack. Curlfeather tripped and fell as the badger gazed upon her with greedy eyes. It lumbered slowly towards her, Silverpaw caught her breath, she'd never

Silverpool, please don't kill me! :) BE HAPPY!

seen anybody die before. Oh, Silverpaw thought, StarClan help her!

Ferntail unsethed his claws and lept and help on the badgers shagy black and white fur. The badger reared in suprise, almost flinging Ferntail into the bushes where the apprentinces crouched.

Ferntail ad Pinewater formed a lined as they bared their teeth violently. With their fur poked up, Curlfeather quickly joined them to form a wall on angry cats.

The badger stepped back and turned around, lumbering into ShadowClan territory. Pine water started to chase it, but Ferntail called her back saying, "It's not worth it, let ShadowClan deal with it."

Any cat looking into his eyes would find that they still burned like hots stones in the sunlight, waiting for revenge on account of Dawnpaw's scars and fever.

As Silverpaw crawled our from the brambles, Dawnpaw steered her away from Bramblefaw and whispered, "Are you going to be mates? You would have the cutest kits together."

Silverpaw blushed and thought, do I? Dawnpaw nuzzled her affectionetly, saying, "I have the same feelings for Troutpaw.

This is me after you kill me DX

This is me after you kill me DX

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Warrior Cats Fanfiction: Omens of the Wild Book 1 The KitsWhere stories live. Discover now