Chapter Eight

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Siverpaw stared at Curlfeather and Flamestar.

"I don't think I can do it." She said afraid to look and Rushpaw, Mistypaw, and Dawnpaw behind then opening their mouths agape with shock.

"Silverpaw, we understand the danger, but you're our best climber. This isn't really a choice, this is an order from your leader," Curfeather said, almost pleading as her tail wacked against the leader's den walls.

"I thought you always wanted a real Warrior mission," Rushpaw asked disbelivingly, "We used to talk about when we were kits."

"Well its diffrent Rushpaw," Silverpool snapped. "There's a diffrence between kit's games a real life. It's not like you're going to do this–."

"Oh, so you are?" Bramblepaw squeled "That's great! 'cause I'm also going."

Silverpaw felt all six cats gazes on her pelt.

"I'll do it," She replied immeditly.

Silverpaw and Bramblepaw darted up the tree, then Bramblepaw hooted like an out a moment later, signaling they were at the top.

Silverpaw balanced on a tettering branch, aware that she was now in ShadowClan territory.

Bramblepaw soared past, landing on the next pine tree. It swayed and bobbed but settled once he had shifted his weight.

She cautiously pawed to the edge of the branch, clutching the rain-soaked bark with her claws ingnoring her cold, pelt gripping her sides.

As she leaped, she knew how birds felt as they soared through the air.

When she landed, Bramblepaw nosed her and said, "ready for the next one?"

Without warning he hopped across the the next tree, an oak with cracks running up and down it's sides.

"Bramblepaw!" she yowled. "Look out– there may be cracks–."

A splitting sound appeared from the oak, and Bramblepaw began to fall.

He twisted in the air his paws snagging the branch Siverpaw was on.

She lurched forward, reaching her paws down and once feeling his paws grasp hers, pulled.

She was supprised by his weight and quickly found herself flailing in the air.

Wind pushed against her muzzle, and she hit the ground.

It was softer than she expected, though lumpy.

"Bramblepaw," she called, "Where are you?" She spun around but couldn't see him anywhere

A muffled sound came from beneath her paws.

Silverpaw glared at the ground and saw a very squished-looking Bramblepaw there.

"I'm sorry!" she exclaimed, quickly stepped off him.

"It's fine," dismissing the fact, Bramblepaw whispered, "We're now in the center of ShadowClan territory."

"Wow," she breathed, "This doesn't look the way I thought, I always imagined a pitch black forest with traps and bogs and the glowing eyes of cats– but not this."

Bramblepaw stepped closer to her, "It looks a bit like ThunderClan." He observed, focusing on a bush that was shaking.

"You've been to ThunderClan territory?," Silverpaw asked.

"Yes," he replied, not taking his eyes of the bush.

"When?," Silverpaw asked nervously. She felt his heart rate speed up and looked at the bush more closely. "Was that a branch, or a tail" she thout.

She stepped forward, and so did Bramblepaw.

"I went to tell Lilystar about the approaching WindClan patrol when we were still allies."

They narrowed their eyes at the bush and glimsed a red circle. It wavered there, then blinked and the ShadowClan apprentince Thornpaw emerged.

He sprang out but only cold emmit a high-pitched squel as the RiverClan apprentinces drove him into the ground, turning his white fur brown.

"Who are you," he demanded, spitting out clumps of mud and dead leaves.

Bramblepaw hevily cuffed his ear and growled, "we'll decide to tell you later.

"Bramblepaw," Silverpaw sighed, "we did come here to get caught, and we did not come to take fish-brained ShadowClan apprentinces hostage."

"The what should we do," Bramblepaw asked, shifting his weight from side to side on Thornpaw.

"If we let him go," He continued, "He'll run and get his Clan in a matter of momento (bad handwriting again). And I doubt they'll return as to RiverClan."

Thorn paw made a face and snorted. They gave him a look and Silverpaw slapped him with her paw for good mesure.

"Not if we run fast," Silverpaw concluded," We'll sprint back to the border line, and I'll go and get a patrol, in case he," she looked pointedly at Thornpaw while Bramblepaw delivered a swift kick to the side of his head, "warns the Clan."

"Fine idea," Bramblepaw agreed, "Ready," she nodded, go!"

Silverpaw and Bramblepaw sped off, while Thornpaw shreiked, and ran to his camp.

"It's going to be close," she thought, and put an extra burst of speed once they neared the border.

Waiting for them, was Tanglebrooke, Curlfeather, Ferntail, and Iceleap. Iceless sighted them first, and her tail twitching excitedly.

Once her paws crossed the border, she slowed to a trot.

Ferntail and Iceleap bounded up and Ferntail asked, looking over Silverpaw's shoulder, "where's Bramblepaw?"

Silverpool turned and stared at the awaiting ShadowClan territory, but Bramblepaw wasn't heading out of the trees.

Warrior Cats Fanfiction: Omens of the Wild Book 1 The KitsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang