Chapter Fourteen

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Dawnpaw rolled over, waves of heat coming from her. Willowshine had called Mothwing, the retired medicine cat to see her.

"I have never seen anything like it!" Mothwing told Willowshine, "Ask The medicine cats tonight when you go to the moonpool."

"I can't go to the moonpool! Look at her." She lifted her tail, pointing to Dawnpaw. Dawnpaw groaned as Willowshine said, "I'll bring Clawfang. You stay here and then she went off to the moonpool.

Dawnpaw opened her eyes and saw an unfamiliar cat looking out her. She batted at his pawn weakly.

Willowshine appeared behind him and said, this is Clawfang; he's here ti help you."

"Dawnpaw," he leaned forward so their whiskers were almost touching. "How do you feel?"

"I feel hot and my face and belly really hurt." She replied.

Clawing inspected her face closly before asking, "Did Lighteye and Scorchpaw and Thornpaw attack you by any change?"

"yes." Dawnpaw answered hoarsly, without knowing who Scorchpaw and Thornpaw were

He grimenced, "Those three have got to be the best fighters in the Clan, other ten Rowenstar."

Willowshine butted in, corcern flickering in her eyes like minnows swimming in the river. "Yes, but how do we cure he?"

"Oh yes," he leaned into the piles of herbs and selected a dark leaf, two small green leaves, and poppy seeds. Willowshine looked at him questioningly.

"Are you sure that these will work?" Willowshine asked.

He smiled. 'Trust me, I had a whole " den of apprentinces with the same symtoms in a training bout with Lighteye, Scorchpaw, and Thornpaw."

Willowshine looked at him at disbelif.

"Oh, it's true." he sighted, "She will kill for fun, not for the sake of the Clan."

Dawnpaw licked up the herbs and felt a little better before falling asleep. The two medicine cats talking. still about Lighteye.

Dawnpaw opened her eyes and saw a strech of sunlight hitting her nest. She yawned and opened her eyes into the faces of Silverpaw, Mistypaw, and Rushpaw.

"ack!" she spluttered, "In the name o StarClan, what are you doing, here?"

"We're visting you. We were so dfraid when you didn't come to the den last night," said Rushpaw, "And we started freaking out when Clawfang came to camp and checked on you."

Dawnpaw nuzzled all three of her sisters muzzles.

"Thank you!" she said, her face ablaze with honesty." "But really, I'm fine and a little suprised Willowshine let you in."

The three apprentinces looked at each other neubsly.

"Well, actually..." Mistypaw began

"She didn't let us in," continued Silverpaw,"We had been begging fore her to let us in, but she said no, so we just snuck in whether back was turned."

Dawnpaw looked around nervously, then reared up on her hind legs then dropped back down

"You better leave. Willowshine gets really mad when..."

Willowshine's muffled voice came from outside. "Dawnpaw, who are you talking to?"

The four of them stood as still as a stone sitting stout in the sunlight as Willowshine pranced in.

"Silverpaw! Mistypaw! Rushpaw! I told you that you couldn't come in. Oh, fine! go back to the apprentinces den, Dawnpaw, all of you, your almost healed, just come back every day and I'll tell Tanglebrooke only light duties."

Dawnpaw's face, although shadowed by scars, beamed in happiness.

"Thank you so much!" she said. "It's been so boring here!"

Willowshine put her nose in the air and walked into the herb store, saying, "I guess my company has bee overlooked."

Silverpaw, Mistypaw, Rushpaw, and Dawnpaw ran out, enjoying the sunlight on the ground warming the pads. The freash air had never, ever felt cleaner to Dawnpaw. Curlfeather bonded up to them and said merrily, "Hello Dawnpaw, Mistypaw, Rushpaw, and Silverpaw, would you like to go hunting?"

"Of corse!" the four said inunsion.

Curlfeather headed off the thorn tunnel, saying along the way, "We'll go with Flamestar to show him what you have learned so far."

Silverpaw and Dawnpaw suppressed a gasp of disbelif while Rushpawand Mistypaw looked calm as vixens, nothing could faze them.

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