Bonus Chapter!

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After Brooke wrote The Kits, she got so impatient with us (Me and @Forest_Gem21, who was part of our crew) not writing quick enough for her to write Book 4 when she wanted, she went ahead and started the 4th book before the second book had even started!

Rivalry, the name of the fourth book, was when Dawnstrike would become Dawnstar...that was the plan, anyways, before I came along and murdered her. Enjoy!

Rivalry: Proluge

A fierce wind ripped through the dark forest. One dark black cat startled onto the rocky ground.

"Why did we have to meet here?" The tom complained.

The white she-cat turned her head to the wind, shivering a little as it touched her furless eyelid.

"Shhh...Brokentail, there may be someone listening."

The two cats stood on edge for a moment, tasking the air. An owl hooted and Lightstar drew in a breath.

"I'm cold," Brokentail whined, "And my pads hurt, and my fur is cold, and I'm cold."

Lightstar shot a furious glance at him.

"What?" he said, regaining composure. "I wasn't doing anything."

Lightstar ignored him, "When you kill that idiot lizard-brained Minnowstar, do one thing other."

"What is it, my lady," Brokentail sneered, bowing his head mockingly.

Lightstar's teeth flashed, and her eye gleamed in the moonlight.

"Kill the deputy while you're at it." she hissed.

As she looked at Brokentail's shadow leap beneath the hill she murmered, "Dawnstrike,"

Warrior Cats Fanfiction: Omens of the Wild Book 1 The KitsWhere stories live. Discover now