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He loved me too soon and he met me too late. People say things happen for a reason, but sometimes it feels like that reason is to make our lives a living hell. We weren't quite married, but the way he smiled, and his amazing blue eyes made it really hard to tell him no, let alone break up with him.

Everyone in my life saw how bad Tyler was for me, but I was blind to it, until I met Shane Dawson. He showed me how I should be treated. I've always had a bit of a crush on him, but was always too stubborn to admit it. His smile, his laugh, all so contagious. And when he's mad or sad, you just want to make him feel better, but it hurts so much to see him like that. This is the story of how I found love, while dumping a heartless asshole in the process.


Sorry it's so short I promise it'll get longer. That was just explaining a few things first. Yes I do know that there is the exact book on here too but I was the author of that. I couldn't log into that account, but I had this one for mainly reading so I just transformed it into the other account and it took alot of work to get this story back, so please don't say stuff like "That's not the real author" because I promise I am the ONLY author of this book. Thank you.

                                                             -loser out

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