Chapter 4

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Alison's POV

I gave him my number and hopped in my car. I looked at my notifications and saw one from Twitter. Shane Dawson followed me! He was the real Shane Dawson! He also sent a message. I opened it up.

@shanedawson:  hey, I heard of your channel recently and decided to investigate. Have you noticed how similar we were? I was wondering if you wanted to collab sometime, maybe?

My heart literally stopped. I couldn't believe this was acually happening. I immediately answered back asking when we could get together. I took a deep breath, setting my phone down. Maybe this was a prank, or a new segment, like "vlogging with fans". You never know. Although, he never said anything like that in the message. It must be a prank. Of course, I have been getting alot of attention on my channel, lately. No, that's not it. It must be a prank. I turned on my car, drove on, hoping I was wrong about it being a prank.

Shane's POV

I was sitting on the couch with my new found hoodie-bowl, watching Hoarders, as you do on a Saturday. Or at least, as I do. Sometimes the videos can acually be very helpful in everyday life. Don't judge the hoodie-bowl.

I got to the part where the hoarder was about to cry because she was losing her treasured cat toilet bowl cleaning set, when my phone vibrated. I opened it up and saw it was a message from that girl.

@Alisonkingsley: IS THIS FOR REAL!? I am so honored to have THE SHANE DAWSON ask to collab with me! Just name a date, time and place. I'll be there! :D

I chuckled at how excited she seemed, even over twitter. I didn't relieze she was a fan. That's alright, it'll acually be really cool.

@shanedawson: Fan, much? Give me a week I'll pick you up and we can go to my house, how about noon?

I loved how happy she was. I acually found my self getting overly excited, too. Finally someone to talk to that really gets my humor. That's hard to find. I'm looking foward to next week. I put my phone down and stuck my tongue into my popcorn.


Sorry about that pretty dull ,extremely short chapter, but all of it needed to be said. Vote, comment, share, all that shit ;)

                                                             -loser out

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