Chapter 13

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Alison's POV

The silence was killing me. I just knew that Tyler's dad wouldn't like me. Mr.Peirce. His name even sounds sketchy. Although, if I can be completely honest, what he was doing wasn't sketchy. It was just good parenting. And thinking about what he had said, he might just be right.

Now, I haven't had a relationship last more than a month, but I've heard what love was like and I know that this isn't it. There were few times that we hung out and didn't end up having sex and all of those time we ended up screaming at each other, but I couldn't help but think, what if he's the only one that'll love me?

My job in itself is a pretty big turn off. When you say that your a YouTuber most people think of some bored sixteen year old that turned on a camera, but that's not even close. People just don't understand us. Mix that in with my personality and you've got yourself nothing more than a side hoe.

"So, Ally, is it?" Mr.Peirce says, breaking the silence.

"Well, my full names Alison, but most people call me Ally. It's acually pretty awesome hoe I got my name. Alison was the wife of my great grandfather's best friends cousin who saved my great grandmother's life." And I spoke to much. He doesn't care about your fucking name origin!

"How long have you been with my son?"

"About a month."

"Oh 'about a month'. Tyler brought it down to the exact day and all you have to say is 'about a month'?"

"Ok, fine. We met three weeks, one day, and 20 hours ago. So there you go. Proof that it's not a one-sided relationship." I said looking at my watch. Damn, maybe this wasn't fake.

Shane's POV

I stood there amazed that he was the one to do this to her and then take off. Who could do that? I couldn't imagine making an acual person and then leaving both the baby and the mom.

I know I make jokes about abortion and dead babies, but if I were acually in that situation, I couldn't imagine killing or leaving it. I mean, I could imagine it, I just couldn't possibly do it.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" I asked hoping she'd open up.

"Well, uh... do you see these bruises?" She asked pulling her top down slightly, so I could see the bruises on her sternum and collar bones. I nodded, tearing up a bit. She had always been such a tough person. I never imagined she'd ever be in this situation.

"Yeah, once I found out about the baby, I knew I had to leave. I stayed with my parents for a while until they started getting suspicious. I'm still not quite ready to tell them that I'll be a single mom. I looked you up and saw that you were a hotshot in L.A. You even directed a movie. You're living your dream, Shane. That's awesome."

"I wouldn't say hotshot, more like sad YouTuber, but whatever. You did the right thing by leaving, you know that, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I can't handle being a single parent but, I couldn't let my baby get hurt by that monster."


So I guess this is just the length of the chapters now. Mkay... anyway, if Tyler's such a monster, then what's gonna happen to Alison!? You were probably already wondering that...

Alrighty then, if you have any questions feel free to ask and I might fix the writing to have it make sense for others. It would be greatly appreciated! See ya again next Tuesday loser day! Love ya! bye!
-loser out

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