Chapter 3

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"He's not gonna let up," I groaned. Mikado and I were watching Masaomi's many, many failed attempts to get girl's numbers.

"Probably not," Mikado agreed. "He hasn't changed a bit."

I glanced over at him. I guess he doesn't know, then...

"You know, I haven't seen Masaomi really flirting with you or anything," Mikado commented after a moment.

I snorted. "He used to do it all the time, trust me. After a while I think he got bored of it."

"That's hard to imagine."

"I know, right?" I leaned back against the bench we were on, watching his antics with a small smile. At first the pick-up lines were just sort of funny, but now I found them endearing.


"What the-" I yelped, jumping back. A boy had just tripped and fallen flat right next to me in the hallway.

"Ow..." He mumbled, getting to his knees. Rubbing his head, he looked up at me and grinned. "Hey, I seem to have forgotten my phone number, can I have yours instead?"

I stood dumbfounded for a minute before starting to giggle.

The boy's grin only grew wider, and he stood up. "So is that a yes?"

"Not necessarily," I answered, looking him over. "Can I at least have the name of the amnesiac in front of me?"

He brushed himself off and bowed. "Masaomi Kida, at your service!"

"Well, as much as I like that line, you're gonna have to try a little harder than that."

"Challenge accepted!"

I shook my head, grinning at the memory. "Dummy... he kept it up for months. Gotta admire his dedication."

I glanced over at Mikado and saw he looked a little confused about something. "What?"

"O-Oh, nothing..."

"Huh..." I shrugged, turning back to the blonde boy bouncing around the plaza. Eventually, he came running up to me.

"Come on, Aida, why don't you join in? I mean, you could just stand there! It'd give all the ladies the impression that I already have girls falling for me!" I raised my eyebrow and he fell to his knees, pleading. "Come on, please?"

I rolled my eyes. "Not a chance."

"Why not?!"

"Because unlike you, when I see a girl I like I keep it to myself, dummy. Besides, I'm not really looking to get into the dating pool at the moment."

"W-Wait, y-you..."

"You're no fun, Aida!" We were both ignoring Mikado's surprised stuttering.

"I know," I smirked. "Someone's gotta keep you from going completely nuts from all the estrogen in the air."

"Ah, fickle women," Masaomi sighed, collapsing in between Mikado and I. "I bet they all secretly want me."

"You're so desperate," Mikado laughed. I giggled at the comment, and Masaomi wrapped his arm around Mikado's neck, noogying him mercilessly.

"Don't embarrass me in front of the girls, knucklehead!"

"Ow, ow! Okay!"

"Aw, Masaomi, did he hurt your feelings?" I teased.

"Oh, don't you start too!"

"I've been doing this since I first met you, what made you think I'd change tack?"

Masaomi grinned. "And I still haven't given up on seducing you with my excellent jokes!"

"Your jokes suck, don't try to pretend!" I turned away and crossed my arms, rolling my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time today. Really though, I just didn't want him to see my face going pink. "And anyway, I thought you were all over Miss Anri and her giant boobs."

Masaomi waved his hand dismissively. "While she's certainly beautiful, she is one of many ladies I fell in love with on the first day of school, so my options are still open."


"I'll take that as a compliment."

. . .

Taro Tanaka has joined the chatroom.

T: Hey guys!

T: Anybody on?

Setton has joined the chat room.

S: Hey, Taro! Sorry, just got back from work.

Rika has joined the chat room.

R: Ah, hello everyone! Good evening!

R: How is everybody? Anything cool happen today?

T: Yeah, actually! I saw the Headless Rider today!

R: Woah, really??? Details!

T: Not much to tell, like usual. Black bike, black rider.

S: I wonder if it's actually headless...

Kanra has joined the chat room.

K: Good evening, everybody~

K: Oh, I just saw that last part.

K: You saw the rider? Where?

T: At the five-way intersection

S: Huh? I was there too!

T: We really need to meet up one of these days

R: Wow, really? Man, I wish I could see it... :(

K: Definitely an interesting sight...

K: Striking terror or fascination into the hearts of everyone who sees it!

Saika has joined the chat room.

S: Strike

S: Kill

S: Love

S: Mom

S; Love love love

S: Love love mom love kill strike

S: love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love

K: Oh, not this again!

R: The heck's going on with this guy?

S: I'm going to block them.

T: Thanks, Setton.

R: Seriously, what was that?

K: There's been this troll who keeps getting into our chat room, and even though we block them they keep coming back.

R: Scary! O_O

R: Well, I should probably get to bed. See you guys!

T: Goodnight, Rika!

Rika has logged out of the chat room.

I leaned back from my computer and sighed, staring at the shelf above it, lined with little dancing competition trophies. Sometimes the chat room was the only thing keeping me from freaking out about the real world.

Not that there was as much to freak out about anymore...

No. I'm not going to think about that.

I pushed myself away from the computer and got into bed, hugging my pillow and staring at the wall again. No matter what, I won't let that happen again. Not to him.

Trust Me! (Masaomi Kida x OC)Where stories live. Discover now