Chapter 7

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Hey guys!

How's it going?

I know this chapter's pretty late by my normal standards, and it's sort of miserably short for being, like, a week late, but... here ya go! Hope you guys enjoy! :)


"Okay, okay, I'm coming!" I yelled. I was running downstairs, pulling a bathrobe on over my pajamas and trying to make my hair look semi-decent, given that it was 2 in the morning and I'd been sleeping up until loud banging from my door woke me up. I had a feeling that I knew who it was, but I wanted to make sure.

When I opened the door, Masaomi was standing there.

"Hey, Aida..." he said, sounding a bit sheepish.

I sighed, leaning against the door frame. "Is it a scrape, cut, or something to do with bones?"

"Just a scrape on my back."

"Alright..." I stepped out of the doorway. "Get your butt in here, I'll go get the stuff."

I ran upstairs to get the heavily used first aid kit and came back down just as Masaomi was pulling off his shirt. He turned his back to me as I opened the little white-and-red box. A small amount of blood slowly leaked out of the wound, but it wasn't that bad.

"Did you get pushed or something?" I muttered, grabbing an antiseptic wipe and getting to work.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting it."


"You don't sound very invested."

"I've heard a lot of the same story, Masaomi."

We both fell silent until just as I was putting the bandage over the now clean scrape. "Guess it's good that I always have you to fix me up, huh?"

I guess that was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back, as it were.

I stood abruptly, walking away from him with my head in my hands, trying to maintain my sanity for just a few seconds, but it didn't work.

"Uh, Aida?"

"I wouldn't have to keep fixing you up if you wouldn't keep getting into fights, you dumbass!" I yelled suddenly, turning on my heel to face him.

"Well, I-"

"No! No. You're going to let me talk." I took a deep, shaky breath, before all the emotions I'd bottled up for the last year came spilling out. "I have woken up, on average, two times a week at two in the morning because of this, and have lost even more sleep worrying about you. I'm terrified that you're going to come to me with something that I can't freaking fix, and honestly I'm really tired of being so worried all the time! And if you don't care about me, then what about Saki, huh? What about her? Don't you think she's probably scared when you get hurt and she can tell? No, you probably haven't even noticed and I bet you know the best solution to fix it but you're probably not even going to and you're just going to keep going with the Yellow Scarves because you're an idiot, Masaomi Kida, you're a fucking idiot!"

Finally finished with my rant, I merely sat (or maybe collapsed was the better word) onto the floor, covering my face as I tried to control myself. It didn't work, and I started crying quietly.


"What?" I snapped slightly, not looking up.

I heard footsteps, then felt Masaomi sitting down next to me, and then... then he was hugging me.

"I'm sorry," he told me, his hold tightening. "I didn't realize that's how you felt."

He was just sitting there, holding me. I had frozen up, but now I wrapped my arms around him too. Just this once... this one time, I'd let myself be this close.

Well. That wasn't a memory I liked to think about. Also, ow... looks like I'd dropped something on my stomach in the middle of the night. What was it? Ah. Another trophy. I tossed it aside and groaned.

I rolled out of bed and stretched, wandering downstairs to grab my phone off of its little charger. As I slowly woke up by wandering around, checking on the house to see what needed to be done today, I couldn't stop thinking about my dream.

I hated thinking about that night. It embarrassed me. I dislike yelling, so the idea that one of my only screaming fits in my life was at the boy I was in love with? Yeah, not my favorite.

"Ugh," I muttered to myself, walking over to our kitchen and starting some water for tea. "Why him? Why did I have to fall for an ex-gang leader? Why does he have to be so darn adorable?"

It was surprising to me that he hadn't even figured it out yet. The guy thrived off of flirting with other girls, you'd think he'd realize when one had actually really fallen for him. But no. He still remained ignorant. Stupid, blonde, cute, sweet playboy... Why you?

In way, that was probably better.

The only person who I could think of that knew for sure was... well... I didn't want to think about him. I did my best not interact with Izaya Orihara, but I could just feel that the very first time he looked at me, he knew. And damn, did he do his best to make me embarrassed about it. He hadn't succeeded. Yet. Of course, that was probably due to that I'd only met him a few times in my life.

Unfortunately, it was difficult to avoid him completely when my older cousin was best friends with the slightly sociopathic information broker. And when his fiancé took work from the guy.

Ick. I don't want to think about him, either.

He was the only reason that I had a certain number on my cellphone that I basically never used unless I ran into him.

I resolved myself to an unproductive day and sat down in front of my television, sorting through innumerable CD's until I came across a movie or show I felt like watching. Meh, Sword Art Online sounds as good as anything else right now.

. . .


It had happened again, but this time it was serious. This time Anri was hurt.

I was the first one to get there, no surprise. As soon as we'd found out, I practically sprinted to the hospital, so now I was in the waiting room on my own, my leg jiggling nervously as I waited for Mikado and Masaomi to get here.

I wasn't allowed to see her yet. She was still getting checked over. It was all I could do to not sprint up to her hospital room and force my way in. Under my breath, I was chanting "Please be okay" over and over, hoping that she would be.

About ten minutes after I arrived, Mikado ran through the door, closely followed by Masaomi twenty seconds later. No one said anything. We just stayed quiet, waiting for someone to tell us whether Anri was alright.

That entire night was a blur. I remembered going up to see her, ecstatic that it was really only some cuts and such. I remembered Mikado and Masaomi freaking out over her, asking her a million questions. I remember us finally having to go home. But all the in-between parts were faded.

Must be the stress; I'd found the same thing happened with the entire year and a half I took care of Masaomi's injuries.

But the problem was, it didn't just end there.

The Slasher attacks stopped, yes, but everything just went so far downhill I couldn't do anything to stop it.


Welp, there it is!

Hope you guys liked it.

Let me know what ya'll think about it down in the comments! :)

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