Chapter Seven

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I am so sorry that this is late! there has been a lot going on within the past few weeks leaving me with very little time to write.

I wrote this entire chapter out yesterday, and I will tell you that I had tears in my eyes and hated a part of myself for what I have written. But I knew coming into this story that it would be dark, and bad things would happen to Legolas. So I am sorry. Please do not kill me! Kill the bad elves in this story!

I don't know when the next one will be out, but because this chapter is pretty depressing, I am going to hope for next week if possible. I don't know if it will convey through, but I tried to put in a lot of deep emotion into this story, so I hope it comes across, but I truly do not know. Enjoy this chapter if you can, my dear readers. I will be seeing you soon. 

And please do tell me what you think of this story so far, I'm dying to know.


Moments earlier...

The twins and Arwen sat along the fountain ledge, quietly conversing with one another, simply enjoying the beautiful day. Glorfindel and Legolas sat further along the edge, watching a family of ducks splash around in the water with their mother.

One of the ducklings swam over towards the Prince, shaking his feathers. Water droplets landed onto the elfling, causing him to laugh in delight. The Balrog Slayer was content to watch, a smile growing on his face.

Silently watching the surrounding area for danger, the guards had small smiles on their faces at the sound of the Prince's laughter. There had been far too much grief as of late and it was good to hear something so innocent and joyful. They stood out of sight, behind the large bushes on the path, and anyone who walked by couldn't help but smile as well.

If only the Prince knew how much a pleasant joy he was.

And if only they knew how terribly wrong everything would go.

Glorfindel, with a remark to Legolas to not wander off anywhere beyond the fountain's area, turned towards the other three, joining into their conversation with a question. He did not fear that the elfling would really go anywhere that wasn't in the general facility, but he had to make sure for there had been to many accidents as of late.

Legolas nodded at the warrior's request. He then proceeded to look around the area, taking a deep breath as the smell of nature surrounded him.

Ever since he had been about that of a three year old human, he had been able to understand the Song around him. What he did not realize, however, was that he was the only elf ever heard of to have such a deep connection. Only he could hear the trees without touching them, the animals, wind, and water as well. Even his father, who although had a strong connection as well, could only hear the trees when he was in contact with one and heard just the slightest whispering of the winds.

No. This little Greenleaf was very special and he was innocently unaware of it.

So the elfling smiled as the small ducklings bantered with one another in the fountain water, their mother scolding them on occasion. It was quite amusing, and he wished that the others could hear it.

Las! A voice called out interrupting his thoughts.

Legolas perked his head up at the call, looking around to see where it came from. As he scanned the area, he spotted a small, brown and white rabbit sitting beneath a bench not too far away. Smiling as he realized that it was well within his boundaries, the elfling hopped off the fountain and made his way happily to the rabbit.

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