Chapter 2: Golden Fox Republic

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I slowly opened my eyes to take in my surroundings. Laying flat on my back, I could not see much, and I sat up. Angelica was no where to be seen, and I was on a light yellow canopy bed in a large room that was the same shade of yellow with soft, dark green carpet. Above the headboard of the bed, there was a yellow flag with a white dot in the center; within that dot was a golden fox. A large mirror was on the wall, on the opposite side of me, and I looked at myself. My appearance remained the same; long blonde hair, light blue eyes, and I wore the same clothes, but my black slip on shoes were beside the bed. Upon standing up, I noticed I was much taller, and I saw an ID on the bedside table. Without hesitation, I grabbed the card and looked at it.

Name: Roxanne L. Foxington

Gender: Female

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Country Name: Golden Fox Republic

Wait... country?! I am in the Hetalia universe! The portal worked, but Angelica still hasn't showed up. A smart phone was next to the ID, and I started looking through it. There were only four people in the contacts: America, Canada, and U.I.T., whatever that was. The last one's profile picture was of Angelica, smiling happily and waving a flag that strongly resembled the Canadian flag, but an out line of a wolf replaced the maple leaf. Dialing the number, I held the phone to my left ear, hoping for someone to pick up. Eventually, Angelica's voice was speaking on the other end. "Hello? Who is this?" she asked, slightly hesitant.

"Angelica?! It's me, Roxanne! I'm so glad you're here! Where are you?" I blurted out.

"I seem to be in my house. There is a map with a small island off the western coast of Canada that's labeled, 'U.I.T.', and apparently I represent the country of the United Island of Trash-" Angelica was cut off by my hysterical laughter. After a little bit, she continued speaking. "-and I was raised by Canada as your cousin, since you were mainly raised by America. Your country is Golden Fox Republic, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You are another island nation, but you are off the coast of southern California, in between that state and Hawaii. Our countries are popular tourist attractions, as well as luxury vacation spots. We became independent at the same time after forming an alliance to free ourselves."

"How did you get all that information in such a short time?"

"I've been here about an hour now. Did you just get here?"

"Yes, and I think you went into the portal first, so if you were one second ahead of me, that translated into an hour here. It seems like time is much slower here. By the way, shouldn't we be freaking out right now?"

"Maybe if we weren't in the Hetalia world, but I think we're safe here."

"True. So, what should we do now?"

"I found a calendar, and it says we are going to our first world meeting in New York the day after tomorrow."

"That's great! If we had any idea of what we were doing. What do you think will happen there?"

"Not sure. I'm guessing if we don't go, it will be worse than if we show up and the other countries will get suspicious."

"You're right. What's the worse that could happen?"

"In that case, I'd better get ready for the meeting. See you then, I guess. Bye."

"See you too. Bye." I hung up the phone and sat back down on the bed. My first world meeting? At least it was in America rather than a foreign country where nobody speaks English. Seeing as nothing else was going to happen, I decided to poke around this house that was now mine. It was a large house with pale yellow walls and hardwood floors, and three guest rooms. One of which had American flags absolutely everywhere. America probably stays in this room, I thought.

Eventually, I made my way into the kitchen, where the hardwood floors were replaced with cold yellow tile. A thick binder was placed in the counter, and it was labeled "recipes for food". Looking though it, I found the instructions for how to make burgers, poutine, pasta, wurst, rice balls, and all kinds of food. I closed the binder and went into the living room, which was through an open doorway.

The living room has the same pale yellow walls and hardwood floor as most of the house, with white chairs, a white couch, and a glass coffee table in the center. A large TV was mounted in the wall, and several remotes were on the table. Multiple video game consoles were lined up beneath the TV, and there were large piles of video games next to them. A gold colored gaming headset was on top of one of the piles. Large bookshelves were on another wall, filled with several books about my country's history, culture, and other information, as well as a gold colored journal. I picked it up and looked at the first page.

Dear Diary,

Today, America gave me this journal to write stuff in, so I might as well use it. I thought it would be a good idea to climb the tree in the backyard, but I got stuck in the first branch. My frantic yelling caused America to come rescue me. I told him he was my hero, and I think he got a bit emotional.
~Golden Fox Republic, age 5 (50)

The next page was written several years later.

Dear Diary,

I don't think I've written any entries for a while, but now I'm back. I talked to U.I.T. and Canada today when they came over for a visit. They were very nice to me, and Canada gave me a white teddy bear with a red sweater. It's really cute!
~Golden Fox Republic, age 13 (130)

I recalled a white teddy bear that I saw on the bedside table beside my ID and phone when I first arrived. Suddenly, I felt my cell phone vibrate and checked the screen. It read, "incoming call: America" and I picked up.

"Hello?" I asked nervously.

"Hey dudette, what's up?" Asked a familiar voice, and I silently prayed that I wouldn't fangirl in his ear.

"Nothing much. Just trying to prepare for my first world meeting." I told him, butterflies moving about furiously in my stomach.

"That's cool. Hey, I need you to remember that I'll be there with you, so there won't be anything to worry about, okay, Golden Fox?"

"Okay. Thanks, dude. I knew you'd be there for me." I tried to sound like I had known him for years, and somehow it was not very hard.

"No problem, dudette. See you at the meeting!"

"You too, America. Bye!" I finished cheerfully as I hung up. Grabbing one of the pillows on the couch, I squealed and fangirled into it. Looking at my phone, I decide to check the pictures. There were only five; one of America with his arm around my shoulder, another of me and Canada in hockey gear, an image of Angelica and I holding our nations' flags, a photo of Canada, Angelica, and I eating pancakes together, and one of me holding the Golden Fox Republic flag, which was my background and my lock screen. Grinning like an idiot, I turned off my phone and looked at the coffee table. A spiral bound notebook with the Golden Fox Republic flag on the cover was there, and I started looking through it. Inside were my notes for the world meeting, ranging from unemployment rate, statistics and percentages, and even population by race, gender, and age. "Thank goodness I made these before I came." I told myself. Studying the information carefully, I made sure I memorized every fact about my country.

Several hours later, I looked at the clock on my phone to find out it was eleven o'clock at night. I guessed that I arrived in this world at about noon, and naturally I was exhausted. Somehow I gathered up enough energy to drag myself back into my bedroom, where I checked a set of closet doors I never bothered to look at before. Opening the doors, I found a walk in closet, and I dug around until I found a yellow night gown, which I put on. Collapsing in my bed, I let myself drift off to sleep.


Hey guys! Golden Fox here. I want to give a really quick shout out to Ivyflight aka Angelica and U.I.T. (she came up with her name). I'm actually very surprised that my book has gotten this much attention already! Hopefully, you all continue to read this fanfiction. Please vote, comment, and enjoy! ~goldenfox007, the kawaii author~chan

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