Chapter 9: The Morning After

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I woke up to Italy holding me close to his chest, warm tears streaming from his golden brown eyes. "Italia, what's wrong?" I asked, genuinely concerned.

"I...I had a scary dream last night where you were gone and I never found you... Please, Golden Fox Republic...stay with me. I don't want to lose you." Italy sniffed as he pulled me closer.

"Italy... I would never leave you. I love you too much to abandon you." I comforted him, hugging him lovingly. I kissed him passionately as the last tear fell from his eyes. I was surprised when he licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I opened my mouth willingly, and let his tongue feel around. We broke apart, both shocked. Why do I have a feeling that was the farthest he is willing to go, I thought as I snuggled closer to his warm body.

"Ve~! Grazie, bella. I needed to hear that after such a scary dream." Italy thanked me, wiping away the tear streaks on his face. I kissed his cheek and we got out of bed.

When we entered the hallway, the smell of pancakes was floating through the air. America was at the end of the hall when he noticed Italy and I leaving our room. "Hey dudes! How'd y'all sleep last night?" He asked, looking at me the whole time.

"We slept well. Thanks for letting all of us sleep over." I responded politely. Italy nodded and smiled. America slapped me on the back with his gloved hand.

"Come on, dudette, no need to be formal. You crashed at my place for your whole life! My home is basically yours!" A wide grin spread across his face as he said this. "Anyway, Canada decided to make pancakes for all of us, so dig in!"

"Thanks, America. This will give me an excuse to talk to him." I commented as I left to see Canada. He was stirring batter and watching Prussia carefully to make sure he didn't steal any. "Hi Canada!" I greeted as he turned to look at me with kind violet eyes.

"H-hey, Golden Fox. It's been a while, eh?" Canada responded, and I nodded.

"Yeah. By the way, do you know why Angelica didn't show up, and neither did Japan?" I asked, knowing Canada had a close relationship to her.

"She got sick and couldn't go. Japan offered to stay behind and take care of her." He explained. I gave a sympathetic nod in response.

"Japan never really liked parties anyway." I commented, earning a laugh from the Canadian.

"I-I suppose you're right." A warm smile came from him as I felt Italy squeeze my hand. "Feel free to have some of these pancakes, by the way."

"Sure! Thank you... Uncle Canada." I replied, using the nickname I gave him in my childhood. His eyes widened and his face grew red as I winked at him. Thank goodness for that diary, I thought. Italy looked at me curiously. "When I was a kid, I called him that and he always liked it, since he considered me America's adopted child. Although, he gets embarrassed if I call him that when others are around." I explained to him. He nodded, processing the information.

Once we finished our pancakes, we prepared to leave as America approached us. "Hey dudes, you leaving?" We nodded causing him to frown a little. "I kind of liked having you back here. Come back when ever you want, okay dudette?" I hugged him tightly.

"Of course. I'll call you once I get home." I told him.

"Can you call me what you used to... when you were younger?" He asked awkwardly.

"Okay... big brother." I whispered in his ear. As we parted from the hug, I saw him take off his glasses to wipe his eyes.

"I've wanted to hear you say that again for years." America choked out. Clearing his throat, he asked if he could speak to Italy. I called him over, and he obeyed. "Take care of her, okay? She means a lot to me." America placed his hand on Italy's shoulder as he spoke. Italy nodded, and they both smiled as he opened the door to his car. Since Tatum drove me here, Italy offered to drive me home. I made sure my seat belt was fastened as Italy sat in the driver's seat and we began to drive away.


I was just barely awake as my black tank top was pulled up to the bottom of my rib cage, revealing a tattoo that said, "full time princess" in black cursive letters right above my right hip. The mattress shifted as Germany woke up next to me, placing his weight on his elbow. Suddenly, he spanked me hard, waking me up to look at him. "Zat tattoo... is zat your kink?" he asked, touching the tattoo. Nodding my head, he pulled my body closer to his. "I like it." Blushing madly, I got out of bed and walked into the hall with Germany. Canada greeted us as we entered the dining room and gave us pancakes. After we ate, we prepared to leave, thanking America for letting Germany and I spend the night.

"You know... we could always have some fun back at my place if you want." I offered somewhat casually. He raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Ja... if jou vant." he replied, lust sparkling in his light blue eyes. I smiled as I drove home, with Germany in tow.

When we entered my house, I took him directly to my bedroom. It was a bright pink room with a pastel pink canopy bed, several stuffed animals were displayed on shelves and a mini fridge on one of the bedside tables was filled with beer cans. "Ready to have some fun?" I asked. Germany only grinned seductively as we began our long, lustful hours of fun.

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