Chapter 12: Darkness in the Mirror

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I woke up in my bed with Italy next to me, his arms around my hips as he snored quietly (more like breathing than snoring, really). When I stirred, he barely opened his honey brown eyes. "Bella... are you okay?" He muttered, his accent thicker with drowsiness.

"Everything's fine, honey. But do you realize we were so tired yesterday that we passed out in our clothes in the middle of the afternoon?" I commented with a laugh. Italy blinked and looked down at his uniform, slightly wrinkled from moving in his sleep. "Before I went to bed, Romano called to ask if you could help him buy a birthday present for Maytalia." I told him as he straightened out his clothes. Italy got dressed and left to see his fratello while I sat on the bed, alone in my messed up uniform, staring into the mirror. Something appeared to be moving in my reflection, although everything was stationary in my room. Moving closer to the mirror, I touched it before a hand reached out and dragged me in, knocking me out as the world became dark.


When my blue eyes flickered open, I noticed I was in a dark, stone cold room with no windows, tied to a chair with my hands and feet in chains. A heavy door opened and a figure stood in front of me. A woman with long black hair with red at the tips, steel grey eyes, and a riding crop in one hand. "Who are you?" I growled weakly.

"You don't know who I am? For shame, Golden Fox Republic." She slapped me in the face with the riding crop. "I am your 2p, Rosanne. I have left an note for your spouse telling him to come and get you... that is, if he can make it here with out pissing himself first."

"Don't mock him! He will find a way to save me, I know he will!"

-Meanwhile, Back At Home-

"How am I going to save her? I have no idea what to do!" Italy panicked as he spoke to the Allies and the rest of the Axis, including Prussia and Romano. Angelica, Tatum, and Maya were concerned as they tried to brainstorm ideas.

"We need weapons, and a plan." Tatum thought out loud.

-Back To Golden Fox Republic and her 2p-

Time had past and hope slowly drained from me as I sat in the cold, dark room. "Looks like your stuck here after all." Rosanne sneered as a sigh escaped me. Nobody would save me... at least, that's what I thought. Suddenly, a large thud echoed through the room on the other side of the door before it burst open to reveal the Axis, the Allies, and my friends, each with a weapon of their own (mostly guns). The smirk on Rosanne's face faded to a frown before she raised her left arm and the smirk returned. Several people appeared from a secret door behind me and began to attack my rescue party. My blue eyes immediately shut as gunshots filled the air. When the caos became an eerie silence, I opened my eyes to see the ambush gone, Rosanne on the ground, holding her hand over her right shoulder with the riding crop laying in one of the many small puddles of blood. She opened her mouth to speak, but passed out from blood loss.

"Everyone... you all came for me!" I cheered as Maya took off the chains on my wrists and ankles before I ran to Italy's embrace.

"I saw a letter that she left on our bed, and I had to save you." He explained as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"But... how are you not wounded, or bleeding?" I asked, curious.

"Did you forget? We are immortals, but they aren't." Angelica spoke as she hugged me, along with Tatum and Maya, and basically everyone else. We separated as America grabbed me and started crying.

"Thank you for saving me, America... you really are my hero." I murmured to him as he held me close.

"I refuse to let them take my sidekick." He choked out as he wiped his eyes. A strange light appeared on the other side of the room as a mirror appeared, reflecting the joyful scene. We all walked towards it as I put my hand on the glass, which went through like I stuck my hand through water.

"Guys..." I began. "Let's go home." Everyone agreed as we went through the portal back to the world we loved.

My Friend And I Are Countries: Hetalia FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ