Chapter 14: A Way Back

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I sat in the living room with Angelica, Japan, Tatum, Germany, Maya, Romano, and Italy as we talked about the world meeting. A mirror was on the wall as I stared at it, lost in thought before Italy placed his hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay, bella?" He asked me. I nodded, letting him know if was okay for him to return to his conversation. A muffled thud came from behind the mirror, making everyone jump as Germany grabbed his gun and Japan grabbed his katana. I looked at my friends, who nodded as each of us touched the mirror. Our hands went through the glass like water and we knew what was happening; the world wanted us to go back to where we came from. "It's the portal!" Italy yelled. "It wants you guys... if you want to go back, I won't stop you." He sighed in defeat.

"Definya can go back if she wants." Germany agreed.

"Angerica~chan, you can return to your world." Japan told her.

"B-bella..." Romano sniffed. "You can go back. Just don't forget me!" Tears fell from our lovers' eyes as we looked at them, then at each other, until we all nodded and turned to the mirror. We all stepped away from the portal.

"Germany, shoot the mirror." Tatum instructed as her husband obeyed, confused as he pulled the trigger. A gunshot echoed through the air as a bright flash of light echoed in the room before the mirror was gone.

"Golden Fox... why did you guys do that?" Italy asked, genuinly confused.

"I would never leave here to go back to a horrible place like that." I replied, throwing my arms around him.

"That world has nothing for me there. This world has you guys!" Tatum spoke as she kissed Germany.

"We have something to live for in this world." Angelica told Japan as she held his hands.

"You all mean to much to me. I couldn't possibly leave you!" Maya shouted as she held Romano, who was blushing as he wiped his tears.

"I wanted that portal gone so the universe would know that we aren't going anywhere." I concluded as we all treasured each other's presence. None of us would leave this world of we wanted to. After all, where else would my friends and I be countries?

Hey guys! Golden Fox here. Keep on reading; there's one more chapter left! It's a birthday present for my friend, Frostrunner124 (aka Maya/Maytalia). Please vote, comment, and enjoy! ~goldenfox007, the kawaii author~chan

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