Chapter 11: A New Face At The Wedding

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I looked at the fancy white dress on my reflection in a large mirror. My mind could hardly process what was about to happen; everything went by so quickly, and it felt as though I arrived here yesterday. In a few days, Italy becomes my husband, and I become his wife. I'm not the only one getting married; Angela is going to be with Japan and Tatum said yes to Germany. There have been rumors of a fourth proposal going around, but I don't know who it is. Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I continued looking at the dress in the mirror. Angelica and Tatum (my bridesmaids) where there too, helping me pick out a dress. "That looks amazing on you!" Tatum squealed happily, and I nodded in response.

"This is the one." I smiled warmly at them as they looked at me in pale yellow bridesmaid outfits. Digging through my small gold colored purse, I payed for the dress and walked out of the store. The dress was the only thing left to buy; finally, everything was ready for the big day.

"Hey, Roxanne..." Angelica spoke as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Someone else found the portal."

"Really? Who found it?" I gasped in response.


Angelica drove Tatum and I to a large tan colored house. Walking up to the door, I rang the doorbell hesitantly, wondering who would open the door. The large oak wood door opened to reveal a girl about my age with dark tan skin, fluffy brown hair, and golden brown eyes with a kind expression. "Roxanne?! When the hell did you get here? And why are Tatum and Angelica with you?" She asked with a heavy Italian accent that sounded faintly Spanish.

"Maya? How did you find this place?" I shot back with another question, making her sigh.

"I heard that you three went missing, so I got worried and drove to your place when I heard a thud behind a Hetalia poster on your wall. When I touched it, I fell into a portal behind it and I woke up here as a Spanish/Italian country called Maytalia." Maya explained, flipping her hair off of her shoulder.

"Okay, this might be unrelated, but... did you marry anyone by any chance?" I asked awkwardly.

"Well, I-" Maya started, but she was cut off by an angry male Italian voice.

"What are you doing, bella?! Do you remember what I said about talking to strangers?!" The voice shouted as Romano stomped into view. His fiery amber eyes glaring at me. "Oh, you are the one who will marry mi fratello tomorrow." Romano slightly calmed down as he looked at me. He turned quickly, making the curl that stuck out of his brown hair bounce slightly. "Hey, tomato bastard! It's my sister in law!" The Italian shouted as a response came in European Spanish. Maya yelled something in the same language.

"It's Spain, my big brother." She explained. "You might as well come in; he'll want to see you." Maya opened the door wide enough for Angelica, Tatum and I to enter the house. It was a large house with high celings and a grand staircase near the front door, which led to more rooms. A Spanish male entered from upstairs; He had tan skin, brown hair, and joyful green eyes that sparkled as he grinned at us.

"Hola! You must be Maytalia's friends who are getting married." He greeted us as Maya sighed in mock annoyance.

"Honestly, do you have to show your ignorance in front of them? I just need to talk to them for a bit." Maya told him, and he nodded as he entered another room. "So... how long have you all been here?" She asked, curious.

"Angelica and I got here first when we entered the portal together about a year ago, but she arrived an hour earlier than me. Tatum came a little later, maybe a few days after us. What about you?" I answered.

"To be honest..." Maya lowered her voice to ensure Spain and Romano didn't overhear. "I showed up about the same time as you. Spain didn't think I was ready to go to my first world meeting where Tatum first showed up. He kept pushing it back until eventually he let me go. I met Romano, we started dating, and very recently..." she trailed off as she revealed a golden engagement ring with a ruby on it that was on her finger. We all gasped as we looked at the ring.

"So you must be the fourth person getting married..." I commented, creating a confused expression on Maya's face.

"Fourth engagement? Who are the other-" she cut herself off as we showed her our rings. "So you must be Golden Fox Republic, U.I.T., and Definya." Maya reasoned. We all nodded in response.

"I'm Golden Fox Republic, Angelica is U.IT., and Tatum is Definya." I told her.

"Who are you guys engaged to?" Maya tilted her head to the side.

"I am going to marry Japan." Angelica explained.

"I'm with Germany." Tatum informed Maya.

"And I got together with Italy." I finally mentioned. Maya gasped at this.

"So you are going to be my sister in law!" She shouted, wrapping her arms around me. "Congratulations to all of you!" We all laughed as we hugged each other. Romano entered the room and grabbed Maya's hand.

"Bella, are you inviting them to the wedding?" He asked, unusually calm.

"Yes, Roma. All in good time." She replied, placing a kiss on his cheek. The Italian blushed as his curl formed the shape of a heart.

"Don't call me that, Maytalia. But I still love you." He stuttered as he left the room in a hurry.

"So, do you want to go?" Maya asked, grabbing a few envelopes on a coffee table and handing them to us. We all agreed and have her invites to our weddings as well. The hours flew by as we caught up with our newly reunited friend, laughing the night away.


It was the day of the wedding, and my heart was pounding out of my chest. The music began as I walked down the aisle, my sole focus on not tripping over my dress. Italy watched me from the altar in a white tuxedo, his curl forming the shape of a heart as I stepped on to the altar and held his hands. I zoned out during the speech until I heard Italy speak. "I do~!" He chirped, looking at me as I waited for my part.

"Golden Fox Republic, do take Italy as your husband?"

"I do." I managed to choke out. My excitement blurted the last few words except for, " may kiss the bride." Italy held me in his arms as our lips pressed together. We were now married, and my friends were there to see it.

The rest of the ceremony was a blur of joy. Everyone was happy for the newlywed couple and I spent the night with Italy (if you know what I mean). Turns out he was waiting until marriage for anything to happen in bed. Although I can't go into much detail, I can say he is very passionate and constantly feared hurting me. But enough about that; we moved in together, and now Italy lives at my house. It feels strange to be living with him now that I was used to having an empty house, but at the same time it felt like it was meant to be. However, I can't shake the feeling of something watching me...


Hey guys! Golden Fox here. I want to give a real quick shoutout to my friend Frostrunner124 (Maya/Maytalia) for giving me the approval to add her into this fanfiction. Sorry about the lack of action in the storyline; there will be more in the next chapter, I promise. Please vote, comment, and enjoy! -goldenfox007, the kawaii author~chan

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