Chapter 3: The World Meeting

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     Two days have passed since I first arrived in the Hetalia universe, and nothing interesting has happened. A few calls from Angelica, and several wardrobe experiments later, I found my uniform; a gold colored long sleeved shirt and matching pants, with black slip on shoes. After I got ready, I grabbed my plane ticket to New York, my suitcases, and my phone, and I began the drive to the airport. My car was pretty fancy; it was a gold colored sports car that was capable of going up to 250 miles per hour. One short drive, one long flight, and one hotel check in later, I found myself entering the selected building for the world meeting. Several expensive looking cars were parked outside, and I took particular notice to a tomato red Ferrari. That car either belongs to Italy or Romano, I thought. I opened the door and went down the hallway, where I saw America standing in front of the room. He looked even hotter in person, his blue eyes sparkling behind his glasses and his blonde hair almost glowing in the light, and his cowlick stuck straight up in the air. Behind him I noticed Angelica, who was talking to Canada. "Hey dudette!" America shouted, flinging his arms around me. "I haven't seen you in ages! It feels so good to see you in the flesh!" Stunned at first, I quickly hugged back, remembering he was like my older brother and father figure. His leather jacket smelled of burgers and fries, and I buried my face in his shoulder.

     "I've wanted to see you for so long." I whispered to him, fighting back tears of joy. My dreams were coming true, and my friend was here with me. He grabbed my hand and guided me inside the room to an empty seat next to his. The chair next to me on the other side was for Angelica, who also sat beside Canada. America walked up to the front of the large table and began to speak to all the other nations.

     "Hey dudes! The meeting is now in session!" He declared loudly. 


     "Alright dudes! The next meeting is in Venice, Italy at the time and place I told you. See you all later!" America's loud voice boomed throughout the room as the countries began to leave.

     Nothing interesting happened during the actual meeting. Everything worth mentioning took place afterwards. As I got ready to leave, a blonde man with jolly blue eyes spoke to me. "Moi! I'm Finland." he introduced himself in a thick Finnish accent. "You must be one of the new countries. Golden Fox Republic, right?" 

     "Yep." I confirmed. "It's nice to meet you, Finland." I smiled kindly, an act that he returned. 

     "How are things in your country?" He asked politely.

     "Pretty good. We had slight inflation issues, but I fixed it."

     "Sorry about the inflation, but good job taking care of it!" He praised.

     "Thank you. How are things at your place?"

     "Everything is peaceful for me."

     "That's great! Hey, do you think we could hang out sometime?"

     "I would love that, but right now I have to catch my flight back home. Here's my number so we can keep in touch." Finland entered his number in my contacts and I registered my number in his phone. We said farewell and went our separate ways as he met up with the rest of the Nordics. I drove back to my hotel room and received a call from Angelica as I sat on the bed.

    "Hey, Angelica! How was the meeting?"

     "It was amazing! I hugged Canada, and I talked to Japan! I almost cried tears of joy!" She blurted out excitedly.

     "So did I. I hugged America and talked to Finland. They're both so much cuter in real life!"

     "I know, right? I never want to go back to our world."

     "Neither do I. There was nothing for us there, and now we are surrounded by hot, immortal, powerful men! I think I'll get a nosebleed just from thinking about it!" A lot of laughing and talking later, I said goodbye to Angelica and hung up. My heart was fluttering and my face grew warm. Would I actually be able to date one of these countries? I wouldn't mind being with any of them. There was no way I could lose. However, a bigger question burned in the back of my mind... would they react if they knew who I was?

My Friend And I Are Countries: Hetalia FanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat