Chapter 10: Popping The Question

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Several weeks had passed since the party, and Italy had been dating me for almost a year now. It was a cold, rainy day as I sat on a bench outside in my backyard with him, holding his hand while we watched the rain fall from the dark grey sky. Cuddling with him as thunder rumbled in the clouds, he pulled me closer to his chest as I shivered. "It's a little cold out here, isn't it?" I commented casually. Without a word, he slipped off his blue jacket and placed it over our shoulders, creating almost a small tent and he looked at me in his black undershirt and blue neck tie. "Grazie." I thanked him, kissing his cheek. "You're strangely quiet." I looked into his honey brown eyes, which were clouded with thoughts. He immediately pulled himself out of his thoughts and grinned at me.

"I apologize for being so quiet, bella." Italy asked me for forgiveness. "I just... have a lot on my mind."

"That's okay." I told him, kissing him on the cheek. He laughed and pressed his lips against mine, almost immediately licking my bottom lip. I granted entrance and let his tongue explore the entirety of my mouth. We eventually broke apart, a thin strand of saliva connecting us. "Sometimes, I forget just how passionate our love can be." I murmured.

"That's why I'm here. To make you remember." Italy whispered, holding me tightly. "Actually, before we continue... I have to ask you something..." He got off the bench, leaving his jacket draped on my shoulders, grabbed my hands, and got down one one knee.

-Italy's POV-

I knew the moment we parted from the kiss, it was the right time. My heart started beating really fast and I was close to physically shaking. Standing up, I got off the bench, grabbed her hands, and got down on one knee. This was it; now was the perfect time to ask her. Looking at the weather, building up the perfect mood up until this very moment. Pulling the black velvet box out of my back pocket, I opened it, revealing the (very expensive) golden, diamond encrusted ring inside. Golden Fox's blue eyes widened as I braced myself for whatever was going to happen.

"Golden Fox Republic, will you marry me?" I asked summoning all of the courage and love in my body to say those words. Only a second of silence was between this question and her reply.

"Yes!" She squealed, almost tackling me to the ground as she crashed her lips onto mine. We parted relatively quickly so I could slip the engagement ring on her finger. Tears of joy fell down her cheeks as I kissed them away. Embracing each other, I savored this moment as long as I could while thunder still roared in the sky and a flash of lightning lit up the earth. "Ti amo, Italia." Golden Fox whispered.

"Ti amo, Golden Fox." I replied. We held each other as the rain poured around us, never wanting to let go.

-Tatum's POV-

I woke up next to Germany in my bedroom, somehow no longer tired from last night's "activities". He helped me out of bed, and our morning was relatively normal. Only one thing felt different; Germany seemed more nervous than usual. In the afternoon, he asked if I wanted to go to the beach, and I said yes. We had fun playing in the water and resting in the sun. Time flew by, and before I knew it, the sun was disappearing below the horizon. The sky was a breath taking blend of orange, pink, and purple as I stared at it beside my lover. Germany stood next to me In his uniform, seeming nervous about something. "Is everything okay?" I asked. He blushed and looked away.

"Actually..." he looked back at me. "I need to ask you a question..."

-Germany's POV-

I grabbed Definya's hands nervously and got down on one knee in the sand. My entire body was almost physically shaking as I pulled out the black velvet box from my pocket. Opening it, I showed the diamond engagement ring inside. Definya's eyes lit up as I asked her the question I've been meaning to ask her all day.

"Definya, will you marry me?"

"Oh my gosh, yes!" She exclaimed, allowing me to slide the ring on her finger before crashing her lips into mine in a passionate kiss. I could feel her smiling through the whole kiss, crying years of joy. I kissed them away for her, sending back memories of when I met her at her first world meeting. We had been together a little less than a year. "I love you, Germany." Definya told me.

"Ich liebe Dich, Definya." He responded in German.

-Angelica's POV-

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating on my bedside table. Looking at the screen, it read, "Incoming Call: Japan". Pressing a button, I answered the phone.

"Hello, Japan~san." I greeted him. He had been my boyfriend for about nine months now, but I still called him that.

"Herro, Angerica~chan. I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my prace for a date this afternoon."

"Sure! I'll be there soon. Love you! Bye!" I chirped.

"Rove you too. Bye." His calm voice replied in near monotone. Hanging up the phone, I got dressed in a dark grey shirt, jeans, and a dark blue zip up hoodie. When I reached his house, I knocked on the door, and Japan let me inside.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked casually, taking off my grey slip on shoes and leaving them by the door.

"Wourd you rike to take a wark in the park?" He asked me in his thick Japanese accent. I nodded, gazing into his blank brown eyes before he blushed and turned away. Japan seemed a bit more nervous than usual.

"Sure! Let's go!" I agreed excitedly. He grabbed my hand, guiding me to the park.

This park was his favorite because of the cherry blossoms everywhere. We walked around for hours until the sky grew dark and the moon rose above us. Gazing at the sakura tree, Japan suddenly stopped at a bench under a lamp post. "Angerica~chan, I want to ask you something..." He started, reaching into his back pocket.

-Japan's POV-

I nervously reached into my back pocket, pulling out a black velvet box as I got down on one knee. Opening the box, I revealed a gold engagement ring with swirl patterns engraved in it. "I've roved you as your boyfriend for almost a year, and now I want to rove you as your husband. Angerica~chan, will you marry me?" I asked, my accent becoming thicker from anxiety. She gasped, a large smile covering her face.

"Yes!" Angelica cried, letting me slide the ring on her finger. I kissed her gently, my arms around her hips. A gentle breeze stirred the cherry blossoms, blowing them all around us in a cloud of petals. "I love you so much, Nikon~kun." She whispered as we parted, my face almost radiating heat.

"I rove you too, Angerica~chan." I replied, holding her tightly in my arms, abandoning my hatred of physical contact for my lover.


Hey guys! Golden Fox here. What did you all think about this super special chapter? Ivyflight and Whatshername1226 , this chapter is a special surprise gift for letting me write about you in this fanfiction for the past 9 chapters, so I hope you like it. Please vote, comment, and enjoy! ~goldenfox007, the kawaii author~chan

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