Chapter 4: Ciao, Italia!

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     In no time at all, the second world meeting rolled around. This time, the location was Venice, Italy. The flight was long and boring since I was unable to use my phone, but eventually I arrived at the hotel. I quickly unpacked my items and checked my appearance in the mirror. The sun was glowing brightly above me in the blue afternoon sky as I left for the world meeting. Entering a similar building to the one in New York, I noticed a similar table in the center of the room. The large windows were covered by thick crimson drapes that touch the red velvet carpet and the walls were a cream color. Most of the countries had already arrived, and were speaking to each other. Angelica was sitting next to Canada as she waved to me. I approached her and gave her a quick hug. "How have things been in your country?" I asked casually, a smile on my face. 

    "Everything's alright. What about you?"

     "Doing good back at my place. Do you want to talk more after the meeting?"

     "I wish, but I have something to deal with. See you later."

     "You too." With that, I left to talk to America, who was shuffling through some paperwork. He looked up quickly, his cowlick almost smacking his forehead as his blue eyes shone behind his glasses.

     "Hey dudette! What's up?" he asked loudly. "What did you think of your first world meeting?"

     "I liked being able to socialize with others afterwards. To be honest, I was glad my first meeting was at your place." I told him. America wrapped his arms around me in a powerful hug.

     "I wanted your first meeting to be in New York, so Italy was willing to host this meeting instead of the last one so you could chill in my country."

     "That was so nice of him! Do you know where he is?" I was released from the hug as America responded. His gloved hand pointed to somewhere near the front of the table, where an Italian man with reddish brown hair was talking to a brunette who strongly resembled him, including the curl that stuck out of the side of both their heads. Italy, the one with reddish brown hair, turned around to face me, and he lit up as the man he was talking to crossed his arms and huffed, muttering something in Italian.

     "Ciao, bella! I'm Italy. That's my big brother Romano." He introduced himself in a thick Italian accent. His smile was genuine as Romano looked at me with fiery amber eyes before looking away. 

     "What did I tell you about talking to the new countries?! She could be working for the potato bastard!" Romano shouted at his little brother, who only blinked at him with golden brown eyes.

     "I don't think she even knows him. Germany is too busy to even talk to me, let alone the new girls that are here for only the second time!" Italy reasoned as Romano grew irritated.

     "Fine, if you insist. I'm going to speak to the tomato bastard. Not like I want to, or anything." His face grew red as a tomato as he left to talk to Spain, who had finished hanging out with France and Prussia, each of them laughing in their own special way. I heard Italy sigh out of mock exasperation.

     "I apologize for mi fatello's actions. He tends to swear a lot and get angry for no reason." Italy seemed slightly embarrassed as he was blushing when he spoke. "If it makes you feel any better, I could take you out for pasta after the meeting."

     "I would love to, Italy!" I accepted happily. "Since your country is so nice, I thought I would stay for one extra day to do some sightseeing after the world meeting." This seemed to cheer him up as he beamed proudly.

     "I'm so glad you like it here!" Italy chirped as he glanced at the clock. "It's time to start the meeting. Do you think you could meet me afterwards right here?"

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