Chapter 5: Another Girl From The Portal

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The third world meeting finally decided to show up, this time in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. Since Finland had become a close friend of mine since I arrived, he asked if Italy and I would like to visit his place, and we agreed.When I entered the meeting room, I noticed Angelica was speaking to Japan while they were holding hands. A strange girl entered as the meeting was about to start. Finland stood in front of the table in order to address all of the countries. "Greetings, everyone! Today, another new country will be joining us!" Quiet muttering came from the others as I leaned towards Angelica.

"Do you think it's that new girl?" I asked. "I don't recognize her from anywhere, but she seems familiar."

"I'm not sure." Angelica admitted. I found myself observing this newcomer. She had brown hair with pastel pink streaks and brown eyes. Her outfit was a black shirt and jeans, and she remained silent as she walked up to the front of the table to join Finland.

"Everyone, this is Definya. She will be attending world meetings from now on. Why don't you have a seat next to Germany?" Finland looked to the blonde man, who ran his hand through his hair before he nodded. Definya blushed as she sat next to him as he inspected her with his blue eyes before looking away, blushing a light shade of pink.

"Looks like the potato bastard has a crush." Romano whispered to Spain, who rolled his green eyes.

"Aye, Romano. You're too quick to speak. Fusososo~" Spain laughed, and Romano's face became red as a tomato as he turned away. My attention shifted back to Definya as she spoke to Germany.

"Hi. It's nice to look at you- I mean nice to see you. Want to hang out after the thingy- uh, the meeting?" Her brown eyes suddenly found the table very interesting as she blushed. Germany understood what she meant and nodded.

"Ja, that sounds good. Anything is better than hearing my bruder laugh at me." He responded with a sigh, his blue eyes also examining the table. Prussia began snickering at this, and Germany only glared at his albino older brother, which made Prussia's red eyes sparkle mischievously. Another sigh escaped the German as he reached for his pen, and his hand accidentally touched Definya's hand, making the two blush even more. I laughed quietly to myself as the meeting began.


After the meeting ended, I was approached by Italy. "Are you ready to go, bella?" He asked politely.

"Not quite yet. I have to speak to some friends first." I explained. He nodded and told me to meet him at the front of the building. Angelica and Definya approached me.

"Guess who found the portal after we left." Angelica stated with a gesture towards Definya.

"Do you two remember me?" She asked. It took me a few seconds before I remembered.

"Tatum?! How did you find the portal?" I blurted out, bewildered at my friend's sudden reappearance.

"You didn't show up to school, and you had been gone for several days, so I went to your house to see if you two were okay. I heard a thud from behind your Hetalia poster, and when I touched it, I got sucked in. Thank goodness I like Hetalia as much as you guys, or I would have no idea what to do." Tatum explained.

"What happened after you got here?"

"I found out which country I represented, and I figured out my first world meeting was today, and I got ready over the past two days I've been here." I pondered this very deeply.

"Well, I'm just glad you're safe." Angelica told her. Tatum just smiled as we walked to the front of the building together, as reunited friends.

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