Chapter 7: The Party

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Hey guys! Golden Fox here. Before I continue the story, I would like to thank my friend Whatshername1226 for helping me get ideas and write this chapter. She will probably continue to assist me throughout this book. Please comment, vote, and enjoy! ~goldenfox007, the kawaii author~chan


     "Welcome to the world meeting my dudes!" America is standing on the table at the meeting directing people to their seats like a traffic director. "America you bloody git, get your ass off the table." England grabs America's ear and drags him off the table and into his chair.After the meeting ends, America stands back up on the table and grabs a megaphone, a bald eagle flies through the open window and sits on his shoulder and red, white, and blue fireworks go off in the room.He puts the megaphone to his mouth,"Hello my fellow countries,I have an announcement before we all leave."

Everyone sits in silence and awkwardness. France stands up and says"what is it?" and flips his long blonde hair. "I'm here to talk about Justice,;Freedom, Hamburgers, Fries, Liberty which Iggy doesn't have." America blasters airhorns and some of the other countries run in front of the table to catch him falling backwards."But what I'm really here to do is invite all of you to my house for a party tonight!" the countries cheer and high five each other.

     Me and Italy are laughing our butts off as our friends approach us,Germany facepalms himself after seeing us rolling on the floor laughing.And Tatum stands next to Germany and blushes,he looks over at Tatum and says "vhy are you blushing?"

She blushed more and giggles "I don't know~" he chuckles a bit, hugs her and picks her up. "You look so cute when you blush." he puts Tatum down suddenly and looks at her. "Did I just say that?" Tatum face turns bright pink "y-yeah."

Tatum walks over to me and helps me up. "Hey wanna come to my place before the party?" I smile. "Yeah that would be awesome!" "Sweet! I have just the outfit for your to wear!" and Tatum drags me all the way to her house. Tatum pulls out a huge box of make up and dumps it out on her bed and it completely covers it.She holds up a yellow dress and pastel blue high heels and hands them to me."These are for you!" she picks out some makeup and sets it aside "come on sit down i'm gonna do your makeup first!" I gulp.

*3 hours later* (sorry no makeup montage)- (A/N) the rest of this chapter is written by me; everything above in this chapter was written by @whatshername1226)

We roll up to America's house, and knock on the door. America is wearing a red white and blue outfit and his usual glasses. "Hey dudettes! Glad you could make it! Come on in." He moved out of the way to let us in. Several other countries were already there, including Italy and Germany. England and Denmark were already somewhat drunk as they admired us. Denmark's hand touched my shoulder a few moments later.

"Hey there, beautiful. What do you say we go back to my place and I show you my battle axe-" his awful pick up line was cut short as Norway approached from behind and dragged him away as the scent of booze clung to Denmark's breath as he protested.

"I apologize for my friend's stupidity." Norway stated flatly as he continues to pull the other drunk Nordic off of me. England was leaning against Tatum's shoulder as he stared at her with dilated green eyes.

"Hello, love. Want to go home with me for a proper tea party?" He slurred almost every word as Tatum pushed him away.

"Germany!" Tatum called out, "I need your help right about now!" In little to no time at all, Germany approached us, pulling a drunk England off of his girlfriend. Placing a protective arm around Tatum, Germany held her close to his body with his muscular arm. Feeling like a third wheel, I noticed Italy awkwardly standing near his brother, Romano, as he talked to Spain. I approached him, cautious not to interrupt Romano. Italy noticed me and gave me a warm smile.

"Ciao, Golden Fox! What a pleasant surprise to see you here!" He chirped happily.

"It's always nice to see you too, Italy." I placed a quick kiss on his cheek, making him smile even more. I kissed him on the lips before America's voice boomed throughout the room.

"Alright, dudes! We're going to play seven minutes in heaven!" He shouted, earning several complaints and cheers mixed together from the other countries. "Since all of my closets are full of stuff, we will be using my small guest bedroom. Everyone sit in a circle on the floor." As he instructed, all of the countries sat down in a large circle, and America placed an empty beer bottle in the center. "I forgot to tell you guys to write your names on paper, so instead we'll spin a bottle to decide! Ladies first!" America's eyes sparkled with mischief as he looked directly at me. I sighed, and reluctantly spun the bottle. My heartbeat accelerated rapidly as it spun, even though I wouldn't mind playing this game with any of the guys there. The bottle slowed down, and eventually stopped, pointing to Italy. Before either of us could process this, America already shoved us in the room and shut the door, starting the timer. We both glanced at each other cluelessly. I walked over to the bed and sat on it, while Italy was still thinking about what to do.

"We only have seven minutes. What should we do?" I asked him. Looking at each other, a sly grin appearing on each other's faces.

(Seven minutes later)

America knocked on the door before opening it to look inside. He looked somewhat disappointed when he saw Italy and I jumping on the bed and laughing. We skipped out of the room holding hands as the others gave us weird looks. "Okay, Definya's turn!" America yelled, breaking the awkward silence. Tatum spun the bottle and never took her eyes off of it until it stopped, pointing at Germany. America eagerly shoved them into the room, telling them not to go too crazy before slamming the door shut behind them and starting the timer.

-Tatum POV-

I looked into Germany's blue eyes as we stood in the dark room awkwardly. He placed his strong arms around my hope and suddenly pulled me against his body, kissing me gently. Germany licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I granted. The kisses became rough and sloppy until eventually we made our way to the bed. I slowly unbuttoned his dark green shirt, revealing his toned chest. The makeout session grew even more passionate with every minute, but before we could go any farther...

"Alright, dudes! Time is up!" America declared as he knocked on the door repeatedly. Germany put his shirt back on and we both walked out of the bedroom reluctantly as the other countries took their turns going into the room.

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