Chapter 6: A Meeting Goes Wrong

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The forth world meeting took place in Berlin, Germany. At first, I assumed this would be a regular, uneventful meeting where nothing would happen; I was wrong.

Everything started out normal. We all took our seats, Germany addressed the other countries, and the meeting itself was a regular event. However, there was quite an episode afterwards.

Prussia was mocking Germany for having a "crush" on Definya. The two brothers acting this way began to upset Definya and she told Prussia to leave Germany alone. When Prussia ignored her, she grabbed him by the arm and flipped him over and threw him onto the ground, and he fell flat on his back. Germany only stood there, looking at what he just witnessed as Definya blushed and ran out of the building, with Germany in pursuit. Hungary approached Prussia to help him up, only to slap him and scold him for bullying his younger brother. I looked to Angelica, who nodded and we followed them outside.

Right outside the building, Tatum sat on the curb and tears began to fall down her cheeks as she whispered things like "what have I done" or "why did I do that". A few seconds later, Germany approached her, and she looked up at him, her eyes red from crying.

"Listen, Definya." He began, his face kind, yet serious. "Thank you for standing up for me." Her only response was a nod of her head, and Germany sat beside her. "You displayed incredible strength when you flipped Prussia like that. I'm rather impressed, actually."

"You... you're not mad I beat up your brother like that?" Tatum sniffed. Germany shook his head.

"Not at all. I've wanted to do that to him for years." He laughed a little, which sounded more like a sharp exhale. Looking back, he noticed her brown eyes were still filled with tears of guilt. As one fell from her left eye, Germany leaned forward.

"Let me take care of that for you." He whispered as he kissed the tear away. Tatum was shocked at first, then blushed as she smiled at the ground. "I apologize for not telling you before; I love you, Definya." Her only response was pressing her lips against his.

"I love you too, Germany." Definya responded. I looked at Angelica, who touched my shoulder and we snuck by the two. Italy and Japan were waiting for us, and Japan was taking pictures with his camera. Italy noticed us walking towards them, and he threw his arms around me before kissing me gently on the lips. Hearing a few camera clicks, we separated as we prepared to go home.

Several hours later, I found myself back in my own home in Golden Fox Republic after a long flight from Berlin. Looking through my contacts, I noticed several new entries; Definya, Germany, Japan, and Italy. I saw America's number and I decided to call him. Dialing the number, my heartbeat quickened as he answered the phone.

"Hey, dudette, what's up?" He asked.

"America? I have something to tell you..."

"You can tell me anything. Go ahead."

"Well... do you remember the world meeting in Venice, Italy?"

"Yeah, why?"

"After that meeting, Italy took me out for pasta at a fancy restaurant; he paid for it and bought me dessert. Then he took me to the top of a big hill in a park to watch the sunset, and he made me a flower crown. He asked if he could kiss me, and I said yes, and... now we're a couple." I cringed, preparing myself for the worst. There was only silence on the other end for a few seconds before America's voice reappeared.

"That's so cool, dudette! My little sis is growing up!" He shouted, and I think I heard sniffling. "I'm really happy for you. Do you mind if I tell England about this? He is kinda like my big bro and father figure, after all. Oh, and Canada too. He was like your uncle. Basically, can I spread the word?"

"Go ahead, big bro. Spread the word." I told him, and he thanked me as well as said a quick goodbye before hanging up. After all of that, I decided to call Tatum and see what happened with her and Germany.

"Hello?" It was definitely her voice on the other end.

"Hi, Tatum! It's me, Roxanne." I told her.

"I suppose you want to know how my first date with Germany went."

"If you don't want to tell me, that's okay."

"Actually, I need to tell someone about it. He took me to his house and showed me around, and he even showed me his backyard. Once we were outside, he asked me if we were a couple now, and I said yes!"

"Did he say or do anything else?"

"Germany said he would always love me, even if I was a little crazy. Isn't that awesome?!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." The conversation went on for a while until we hung up. It was now dark outside, but I didn't feel like going to bed. I changed out of my uniform and into my plain yellow shirt and grey sweatpants. Looking through the pictures on my phone, I discovered three new images; one of me and Italy kissing, another one of me, Italy, Angelica, and Japan, and a picture of me wearing the flower crown right after my first date with Italy. Sighing, I put my phone in my bedside table and collapsed on my canopy bed, where I fell asleep as I let the world go dark.

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