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Doc App.

I have been throwing up all week so it's only right to go the doctor and confirmed it."Hunter?"I said crying."What's wrong baby."He said."Did I wake you."I said."No, I was being a man."He said."TMI dude."I said as he chuckled."What wrong baby."He said in a serious tone." Come take me to the doctors."I said."Ok on my way."He said hanging up as I rose to my feet and got dressed.

Time Skip

"Babe."He said pushing the door and walking in."Hey."I said getting up and hugging him."Ready."He said as I nodded."Leggo."he said as I walked downstairs."I feel sick."I said as Cole peeked over the couch."Hey, Aspen Imogene."I said as they waved."The frick you going."He said as I walked out the door."They don't matter."I said getting in his car."Happy Birthday."I said as he smiled."This was an awesome birthday gift."He said smiling looking his new car.It wasn't much just a white Audi A6 for his seventeenth."Your welcome."I said as he pulled off."Im hoping to get the black one when I passed my test this Friday."I said as he nodded

Time Skip

"Here."He said handing me a water bottle."Thanks."I said as nodded."Ryleigh Gillum."The nurse called."This way and the bathroom right there pee in the cup and then put it in the slot in the wall."She said."I hate doc offices."I said as he nodded."Especially after last month."He said as I nodded."What if I'm Pregnant."I said as he nodded."I don't know."He said."Well, it would be yours because he used protection and we didn't."I said as he nodded ."good point"He said as I nodded and the doctor walked in."So are you guys Excited?"She said as I raised my Perfectly arched eyebrow."I'll take that as a no."She said getting my results."Postive."She said as my eyes widen while Hunter sat there unharmed."about four weeks so about three."She said writing on her paper."So you mean I have to disappoint my Parents."I said as she gave me and piece of paper."Sorry sweetie."She said leaving as hunter stared at the wall."Hunter lets go."I said as he got up and help me down."I support you."He said as I nodded."We have to tell our parents."I said as he nodded."I feel like hates me already just wait until he hears this."He said as I as I nodded.

Time Skip

"Mom dad!"I called as they waved us over."So um Planed Pregnancy called."Mom said as I dropped my head."I'm sorry."I cried as Hunter held me."I'm Three weeks along."I said as he nodded."We know."She said as Dad nodded and Held her hand."And we are here to support you guy thru this."He said as I shoot up and looked them crazy."Wait what."I said as my dad nodded."Whatever you want to do we are here."I want to keep it."Hunter spoke up as I looked at him."You think we can do this."I asked as he nodded."I'm willing to try."He said as I nodded."We want to keep it."I said as they nodded."ok so you guys can move into the guest house."Mom said as dad uneasy nodded."Hunter break her heart and I'll break you."He paused."You only get one chance with me don't lose my trust."He warned as my mom nodded."I won't sir."He said as I nodded.

Time skip

"Nice huh."I said looking at the empty bedrooms they never got to furnish."Yeah, we could put the baby right here and we sleep over there or Opposite."He said as I nodded."thanks."I said as he held me."For?"He said as I up at the six foot one weirdo in front of me."For being here."I said as he kissed my head."No problem five foot three lovebird."He said as I rolled my eyes."I hate you."I said as he laughed."whatever lovebird."He said as I shook my head

Cole P.O.V

"I love you."I said as aspen stuck a strawberry in my mouth and ate it."I love food."She said as I laughed."Wow."I said taking the bowl and running upstairs."hey."She yelled chasing me into my room."Give them back."She whined."Gotta say you love me."I said."I love you and food."She said as I kissed her nose."Here I said turning on my T.V."Let's watch a movie."I said sitting on the floor."Fine but I want pizza and cuddles."She said as I nodded."Cole?"Grey called from my doorway."We have to help Ryleigh and Hunter move her bed into the Guest Room."Ok."I said dragging in her room as Aspen followed."Hey Leigh need extra hands."Aspen said as she nodded."can you grab a basket."She said.She atleadt had five or six basket of shoes and then five more of shoes."Grab a end and lift."Dad said as I nodded."1..2..3 Lift!"He said as we did and flipped it over to carried it out the door."We be back for the rest."

Time Skip

"High five."I said as Ry gave me one and walk into her house."thanks guys."Hunter said walking after her."Night."Everyone said as they waved thru the windows

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