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"Where are they."He yelled as I shrugged."Lriyca."He sweet talked."Come on tell me."I laughed."Nope."Hard ass."He pushed me."I tried to help you."He tsked."But you want to be a bitch about he held my feet as the rope came to a halt."Who know each other well enough to tell secrets no."I shook my head."We don't."I nodded."Ok fine if you believe that."He sighed as I resumed swinging."Hit her."He said as he goons aimed straight for my stomach."Fuck you."I coughed up."Really."They hit me again.

Gerald P.O.V

"Remember this."I nodded."Shocking."I said as they sent little jolts towards my head."Hella fun."I smiled."Where are they?"I shrugedas they turned up the power."Wait Ima sneeze."They paused."Ah Fuck you."I laughed as they turned up the power."why do you want them."I question."Shock'em."He sighed.

Hunter's P.O.V
"Hey sexy long time see."She smiled lighting a candle."Wearer are they."I shrugged."Come on I don't wanna punish you."She paused."Well I do.SHe felt my chest."Wow work out much."She smiled."Give me your worst."She scoffed."Fine hit it."She walked out as the room get out."The hell."I fanned myself."Where are they."A man yelled."I don't know We hired a babysitter Nobody knows and she took them for the day."I confessed."Thanks."She smiled."Bitch."I sighed.

Ryleigh P.O.V

"You got lucky your husband saved your ass."He snickered."What."I said as he opened the box."Come on."he smiled."O-ok."I got up walking into and room while hunter mom and dad stared at me."Bugs."I sighed."Every where."I sighed."Beating g to the stomach."Mom sighed."Jolts of pain."Dad shook."400 degree heat."Hunter panted."What did you tell them?"I whispered."A lie."He smiled.

Time Skip

"Its been week."Mom sighed."I miss My babies."I whimpered."Same."Hunter hugged me."Wonder how they doing."I said as tears spaced my eyes as Cole Grey Imgene and Aspen winter the room."Hey."Aspen sat in a corner with Cole."We saw primrose."Imogene smiled."The cops took her and Abrielle and Wyett."She sighed."We had our baby."Aspen smiled."We where going to call you guys but."she stood up."Shut up."The guard yelled."Ma-"Hunter covered my mouth."Let me."Imogene stood."Babe."Grey grabbed her hips."No."He kissed her held."Whatever."We sighed.

Last chapter hopefully a thousand words hopefully guys im trying her its all about Primrose and the rest of the little ones so yeah...

And then the Sequel Us.

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